Already a firm favourite with lovers of atmospheric underground music everywhere, the excellent Apollo label continues its prolific assault on the year 2012 with a full length LP from Polish producer Peluca. This dropped into our inbox in late January, and hasn't been off the office stereo since. For once, the often rather flowery description supplied by the label is entirely matched by the brilliance of the music. Here's what they have to say about the record:
"Intricate, analog percussion & lush, melodic soundscapes arc through "Modo" with the complexity & grace of a full blown symphony. The 60 minute debut album from Peluca is a genre-defying, label defining journey told in 9 tales-- each carefully engineered pinions of an overarching, interlocking world.."
Not much for us to add then, it would seem. This is truly a tour de force of electronic music production. Atmospheric, bleak and beautiful in equal measure, the LP contains a few dancefloor moments, but somehow manages to keep a sense of balance and composure from start to finish. This is only aided by the fact that included in the album package is a continuous DJ mix of the LP, which really helps to map the journey contained within the record; a must for any ipod (especially if travelling on a train at night). A special piece of work indeed- if only all producers took such care when putting together an album.
'Modo' is available now, exclusively at Beatport
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