Friday, 29 November 2024

About 20 years ago, there was a label called Best Seven, with a freestyle sound "with main influences being Reggae/Dub and Soul" so it's great to see Daniel Best is still going strong with his contact's book as Best's Friends with a remix version of Cosmo Klein & The Campers' 'Soul Fiction'.

The "old" contact's book included favourites like Lightning Head (aka BiggaBush - my mentor), Joe Dukie (Fat Freddy's Drop), The Black Seeds (these were a great live band), Frost & Wagner and my favourite, Eva Be (who is still DJing Cle Kahlcke / LoYoTo) so it's really exciting to see DJ, Producer, all-round Berlin-based mover and groover Daniel W. Best is still at it with Best's Friends Music. 

The original Cosmo Klein & The Campers' soul, pop, funk album came out last year but this time it's been given a Best Seven style remixed make-over including dancefloor omni-present Art Of Tones (who have a track 'The Magic Count' on the 'Best Of 2024' EP that's also coming out today - see review HERE).  'Nothing But Love' has a Indo-biting dust vibe that could be a nice warm-up to 'The Magic Count'. 

Keeping the New Zealand connections going, the Berlin-based Kiwi, DJ & producer Philippa takes us on a Fat Freddy's Drop bounce on the dubby 'Life Back Home': and just to let you know, '& The Campers' came about as the original album was mostly recorded by Cosmo visiting his jazz mates around the country in his 1988 Hymer Camper (now you know this, you'll see loads of Hymer camper van conversions on the road).

The jazzy mates are most obvious on the Moods' remix of 'Head' and back to the reggae, 'I Do Love You' is remixed by the Frost outta Wagner, Oliver Frost and it's very radio/commercial/hit friendly.

Talking of popular DJ Friction is well known in Germany being in 90s DMC DJ Battles and hip-hop band Freundeskrels but his remix of 'Nothing But Love' is a funker and comes with the instrumental version.

And when it comes to worldwide well known, we get 'Right Here, Right Now', the Opolopo remix and instrumental version. Sweden's Opolopo is regular remix name on YATM (see review HERE) has just released his own album with Angela Johnson. And perhaps it's because the title is not that 'Right Here, Right Now; (thankfully), the instrumental sounds brilliant.

This is such a varied album and in keeping with a German theme, if you said the originals have been Jazzanova-ed in house, dance and reggae/dub, not even Thomas Tuchel could improve this.

Artist: Cosmo Klein & The Campers 

Title: Soul Fiction Remixes 

Release date: 29th November, 2024

Label: Best's Friends Music

Catalog Number: TBC

Format:Digital / Bandcamp

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , , , ,

Will we ever be able to reconcile that Jono McCleery's debut album on Sonar Kollektiv is his best todate? 

I say that as Mr. McCleery has been lucky enough after his debut in 2008 to worked with lots of folks that we love to follow like his work on Ninja Tune (with Fink and Portico Quartet), 'Realise' with Part-Time Hereos (which was included on Wah Wah 45's 15th Birthday release, and now they are 25!) and also with lots of 'dance' artists, like the diverse range of  Maceo Plex, Catz N' Dogz, Karol XVII & MB Valence and Laura Vane!

This might sound a bit odd for the "Nick Drake" we've been waiting for but 'Reconcile' is a distinct change of direction as it was mostly recorded as an instrumental, in a log cabin of all places.  That might sound a bit dull and flat to most of our readers but the production kind of creeps up on your here with added strings/keys/electronics that's makes in far from a campfire recording.

The singles, 'To See You Again' and 'So Messed Up' (see review HERE) are indicative of a more laid-back approach and you can easily see why Sonar Kollektiv were impressed with a downtempo soul chill sound.  And you can tell form the titles that there's a bit theme of introspection ('The One', 'Only You'. 'Like I Do', 'I Try To Remember' etc) and there's a bit of Thom Yorke-ism to this (we're told Radiohead's Phil Selway is a fan of Jono) and Jamie Woon (Ed. I met him once at Cargo years ago).

The title track is particulary stripped back and you can feel some real blues porch heritage to McCleery's vocals and acoustic guitar style and then, at the other extreme, is the 'Let's Get Back To It' that's the most elegantly produced track.

With the help of co-producers Matt Kelly, Greg Haynes (aka Fybe One) and Jesse Koolhaas this album (eight tracks) has a beautiful longevity to it and you never know, if Florence and The Machine can have it at the Proms, the full Jules Buckley experience at the Royal Albert Hall - now wouldn't that be something of a reconcilation?

Artist: Jono McCleery 
Title: Reconcile
Release date: 29th November, 2024
Label: Sonar Kollektiv
Catalog Number: SK499
Format: Digital / Bandcamp 
Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , ,


The latest in the must have albums of 2024 is 'Don't Waste Your Ancestor's Time' as Phil Dawson ٤-tet take on the past is now!

We've been introduced to Phil Dawson ٤-tet with the single 'Shifting Sands' (Mainline) featuring Khadijatou Doyneh (see review HERE) and we know the guitarist/producer learnt at the feet of legends like Hugh Masekela (as influential on the new compilation, 'Chakalaka Jazz - A Selection Of South African Gems  see review HERE), Afrobeat co-creator Tony Allen (as featured HERE), Ethio-jazz 'founder' Mulatu Astatke (who's new album was released last week - see review HERE), Osibisa and many more on the UK jazz/fusion scene.

And why is all this important?  Well it clearly is at the root of this album - as in the title - and all the lesson's he's had from the musical ancestors are have produced a deep fusion post Miles and denched in flute gang (again, last weeks' Flute Gang 'Album of the Week', Ludivine Issambourg's 'Above The Laws' - see review HERE that embraces more jazz-funk musical legends, the Laws family - happy 85th Birthday Hubert 10.11.24)

This is also 'out there' boarding on the free jazz space age on 'Now Rise Up' and on 'Pralaya' (which fade out far too early on the guitar solo for me) but evey track is a blend of Afro-futuristism fusion that's as cool on the jazzdance floor (especially, the spiritual space jazz of the ten minute monster opening track, 'Ghanaba')  as the headphones.

This is no suprise really as, in additon to Khadijatou,, the ٤-tet include saxophonist Tony Kofi (he's been brilliant for decades and also check out the duet album 'Alrera Vita' with Alina Bzhezhinska, see review HERE), Sam Leak (piano), Dele Sosimi, John Martin (tenor), Nick Walters (Trumpet), Biola Dosunmu (vocals), Justin Thurgur (Trombone - last seen on YATM on Wah Wah 45s Eparapo, 'Take To The Streeets' - see review HERE'') pluas a guest appearance from Tamar Collocutor!

Such a shame we missed the launch party at the Pizza Express last month but at least the album is a latest testament to how good these guys are and how well our ancestors spent their time (well, some of them)

Artist: Phil Dawson ٤-tet
Title: Don't Waste Your Ancestors' Time
Release date: 29th November, 2024
Label : Funkiwala
Catalog Number : -
Format:  Digital / Bandcamp 
Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , ,

When you've got a Nubiyan Twist (Tom Excell) and Kweku Sackey (K.O.G) on your project together with a track on a Blue Note compilation, trumpeter, multi-instrumentalist and composer Jonathan Enser is in a position to declare, 'I Am The Birds'!

When you've just had a track on a Blue Note label compilation, 'Transmissions From Total Refeshment Centre' (where our good friend Emanative had a gig this week promoting his latest album, see review HERE), Jonathan thoughts went onto fusing orchestral arrangements with jazz, garage, dancehall and afrobeats.

We know K.O.G from his Heavenly Sweetness works (see review HERE) and his appearance on Nubiyan Twist's 'Find Your Flame' but Jonathan tells us, “The inspiration came from a transformative period in my life, where I was regularly confined to bed for days due to the excruciating chronic pain that ultimately led to my amputation. At this time, an Indian bean tree outside my window became a place of solace. The tree attracted bright green parakeets, which, though not indigenous, found a home in the urban environment. These birds, vibrant and free, became my companions, symbolising resilience, freedom, and the boundless possibilities of the mind and spirit. The parakeets offered me a vision of life beyond my suffering, where creativity and imagination could transcend the physical body.”

What with LEDJ's 'Circuit Breaker' that came out last month (see review HERE) what a great time it is to be a Afro-beat inspired jazz fan and it's going to be even better in the new year as there's an EP due, 'Silhouettes: A Dream Sphere Journal' (24.01.25).

Artist: Matters Unknown
Title: I Am The Birds
Release date: 29th November, 2024
Label : Bridge The Gap
Catalog Number : -
Format: LP / Digital / Bandcamp  
Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , ,

Witch 'N' Monk are a wily duo who have outfoxed the experimantal electronic jazz avant-guarde with this new album, 'Outfox'.

Based in the hedonistic city of Berlin, Muricio Velassierra (originally from Medellin) and Heidi Heidlelberg (London) are flying higher than the most wanted with their Latin hybrid electronica with soprano vocals.

Yep, it's odd and to prove their experimental .cojones, as their 'single' they release a "sonic geocache" experiences in your top cities - Berlin, London, Paris, Tokyo, New York, Amsterdam [everybodies talking 'bout pop music] where you walk through the music.

Without doubt, the most intereting single of the week!

Album release 26th February, 


Artist: Witch 'N' Monk
Title:  Outfox
Release date: 29th November, 2024
Label : Independent
Catalog Number : -
Format:  Digital / Bandcamp 

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Whether it's Amanda Whiting's harp countdown to Christmas or Yoga & Harp at this years' London Jazz Festival, the harp keeps making a come back from the untrendy wilderness of the old days.

And we already know from Küf Knotz and Christine Elise's 'Hypnagogia' (see review HERE) that this duo know how to use it in the almost unheard of area of hip-hop/beats culture - apart from samples of Alice Coltrane and Dorothy Ashby that is

And on 'Cascade', "we proceed, and continue" with some jazzy consious hip-hop which isn't as harpy (Ed. that's not a word?) as 'Yü' that's very radio friendly and full of positivity and self-awareness.

Küf Knotz (Producer/MC) and Christine Elise (Harpist/Vocalist) definitely have a uniquely individual blend of hip-hop, soul and classical/jazz heritage that they can transpose from 'golden era' 90s to today and this release is proof of their growth. 

Artist: Küf Knotz & Christine Elise
Title: Yü ft. Boogieman Dela / Cascade
Release date: 29th November, 2024
Label: Independent
Catalog Number: TBC
Format: Digital


16th November

Harp Yoga with Benita Glogowska and Marysia Osu

Super double A-side digital single from London based Nikos Ziarkas with 'Wounds Of Color' / 'Run Run Stop No' out on Deep Mountain Records.

If you recall Valia Calda's album 'Homeland' (see review HERE) that there were strong Fripp & ENO connections but when Nikos gets his own release, there's more Ezra Collective, Colosseum, King Crimson jazz-rock connections; especially on the fusion heavy 'Run Run Stop No'.

Not surprising, as Valia Calda's co-founder, has also collaborated with Theon Cross, Moses Boyd and Ron Trent.   Chicago house legent Ron Trent? Wonder what he could do on the remix of 'Wounds Of Color' that show Nikos' more ambient/experimental side; for a hint of what Ron Trent could do, check Trinidadian Deep's 'Moments Of Sounds EP (see 
HERE). What it does feature is the trumpet of Andreas Polysopoulos that really adds to the atmosphere.

What with Ezra Collective selling out Wembley receently and the next wave of London jazzers following this years' London Jazz Festival (like LEJD, see review HERE or even SHOLTO, see review HERE), it's a good time to follow Nikos Ziarkas, Polysopoulous and Chelsea Carmichael (UK saxophonist) in a nu-jazz-rock fusion on Deep Mountain Records.

Artist: Nikos Ziarkas 

Title: Wounds Of Color / Run Run Stop No

Release date: 29th November, 2024

Label : Deep Mountain Records

Catalog Number : -

Format:  Digital / Bandcamp 

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , ,

Mark E has been at the forefront of the deep house underground some some time, is it now the time to 'Take A Deep Breath'? 

I've kept an eye on Mark for nearly 20 years as he caught the ear of label's like Sonar Kolletive, Golf Channel Recordings, Jiscomusic back in the day as he had a knack of spotting a sample that could move dancefloors; DJ Gilles Peterson (BBC 6 Music, Worldwide FM, Brownswood Basement) has been a fan as far back as his Radio 1 days where Mark's edits had "intoxicating ...repetitive groove(s) harnessig elements of jazz, house and deep electronics".

And nothing's really changed except this Wolverhampton-reared, Birmingham-based DJ/producer set up his own label, MERC to release his own productions.  

This new EP, 'Take A Deep Breath' maybe his first 12" on MERC for many years, it has 4 new tracks that are trademark multi-layered dreamy and upbeat all at the same time.   'Deep Breath' is like a track made up of Jaco Pastorius and Joe Zawinul in a whirlwind of a dub lab, 'Ultra Violet' goes a bit Afro/Mali influenced and 'Sun Dog' bites your heels in a warped synth/harp theme (as played by Dubmission (aka DJ Kerem Gokman, WYEP); and if you put them all together and add 'Transient Neighbour', you've perhaps the definition of "intoxicating ...repetitive groove(s)".

Can't make you're mind up which is the most best track, get 'em all on 12" at Phonica Records.  I used to love seeing Simon Rigg and Heidi Van Den Amstel behind the counter back in the day as they always the best tunes and have been big fans of Mark/Merc from the start; even if Poland Street is a long way from Mark's own Black Country Roots 

Phonica have been celebrating over 20 years as the shop, which saw them set up their own a label with releases by Ben Sun (more on him soon), Felipe Gordon, Paul Woodford, Penny Gou, Eli Escobar, Midland and many more at the cutting edge of electronic music. Always worth a visit if you're in London Town.

Artist: Mark E
Title:   Take A Deep Breath
Release date: 29th November, 2024
Label : Merc
Catalog Number :MERC027
Format:  Vinyl @ PhonicaDigital / Bandcamp 

It's that time of year when folks start their "Best Of" lists but some have already started so with the release of the big purple 'Best Of 2004' 12" tomorrow, it was a good time for a quick chat with head train drivers of The Disco Express, Tom Lilly (BL) and Tatiana (T).

When The Disco Express started in 2017, I don't suppose that their vision of original disco, house and soulful dance would include a record label and a series of events in London, Paris, Berlin, Mexico City and New York? Or was it?

BL: When I was first getting into dance music and disco I was massively inspired by the likes of Studio 54 and Paradise Garage for its flamboyance, exuberance and sense of inclusivity. My goal was the ignite the spirit of the 70’s NY club scene and bring it to Shoreditch Platform in East London on a monthly basis. The venue was a former train station in the 1940’s so the whole concept came together very naturally.

For my own DJ moniker Bustin’ Loose was in fact the name of my first party! It took place at Canavan’s Pool Club between 2015-2017. Since creating TDE I decided to adopt it as my own DJ / production alias. The name was originally inspired by Chuck Brown’s seminal funk anthem ‘Bustin’ Loose’.

The label has been described as like a young Razor-N-Tape!

T: Thats an amazing compliment—Razor-N-Tape has really set the standard for quality and creativity in the scene, so to be compared to them is a huge honor. Theyve definitely been an inspiration for us. When it comes to younger labels, AOC Records in Paris is one to watch. Theyve built a fantastic roster with artists like Bellaire, Georges, and Contrecoeur, and its been exciting to see how much theyve grown over the past few years. Their sound complements ours beautifully, blending modern house with lots of jazz, funk, and disco influences. They recently played a massive sold-out show at Koko, which looked incredible—such a testament to how far theyve come.

BLTo be mentioned in the same breath as Razor-N-Tape is pretty cool. Its a label I’ve followed way before I started DJing and begun TDE so is a real honour for me.

Talking of France, you've been a big supporter of Art Of Tones - his track 'The Magic Count’ on Best of 2024 sounds to me like a timeless track that could be on any Best of 2024 (+1 for the rest of time)

T: The Magic Count" was a no-brainer for our Best Of 2024. Art Of Tones has such a knack for creating music that connects with you on a deep level—it’s funky, soulful, and beautifully produced. It was an easy choice for the compilation because it captures everything The Disco Express is about. I wouldnt be surprised if people are still spinning it in years to come; its one of those rare tracks that just gets better with time.

So 'The Magic Count' picked itself for Best of, how did you choose the other 6 tracks.

BL: For me, the real goal with 'Best of 2024' was to showcase the diversity and expanse of music on the label. I wanted to share with our audience the breadth of musical styles and wide variety of sounds we release. That in mind, I’m stoked to say in this record you’ll find anything from original Chicago House to Italo, Soul, Garage and Nu Disco.

Being so varied, is this what we'd expect at The Disco Express club night? 

T: Our catalogue is pretty varied! Thats something we pride ourselves on because we want The Disco Express to represent the full spectrum of disco and house. At one of our club nights, youd absolutely hear that same variety—everything from soulful disco to funky edits, uplifting house to deeper grooves. The goal is to create a space where everyone can find their moment to connect with the music. With Ron Carroll, it was an incredible collaboration. Hes a legend in the scene, and Everybody Moveis already a standout track. His vocals are infectious, and its the kind of tune that instantly brings the crowd together. Its definitely becoming one of those big, end-of-the-night moments for us.

Are you having a launch night?

BL: We celebrated in Paris at one of our favourite clubs called Sacré. On the bill we had Magnolia and Sam Karlson, playing out their track ‘Everybody Move’ which of course set the dance floor alight.

What's in the future, plans for The Disco Express 'Best of 2025'?

BL: More worldwide residencies, particularly in Rome, Copenhagen, Melbourne and São Paulo! Lots more exciting releases too! It’ll be our century of releases in late 2025 so to keep your eyes peeled for that. We’re gonna keep firing on all cylinders, that’s for sure.

Many thanks to Sharon at Shine PR for organising this and that's not just big tunes for their 80th release.  All aboard for The Disco Express!

Check out the 'YATM' review of 'Best of 2024', see review HERE.

Artist: Various Artists 
Title:  Best Of 2024
Release date: 29th November, 2024
Label : The Disco Express
Catalog Number : XPRESS80
Format:  Purple 12" Vinyl LINK / Digital / Bandcamp 
Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , , ,

Partyfine is Yuksek’s label that he set up in 2013 out of this studio in Reims and to say his release of 'Chilam Balam' with 'Ritmos Proféticos, Vol.1' is so fun and party, it's rediculous(ly good).

I first came across Yuksek in the mid 00s when he seemed to be remixing everyone as he know how to move a dancefloor.  I can only imagine how excited the "French DJ" would be when Chilam Balam (being Léopold Collard and Bastien Francoulon) rocked up with the three tracks on 'Ritmos Proféticos, Vol.1' to the studio.

If you can image Space (the French group famed for the hit 'Magic Fly'), Bala Desejo and SHOLTO deciding to club together as a post-disco, library and Brazilian infused dance band.

The 3 tracks, 'Tzintzuntzan', 'Yaxuma' and 'Citlacoatl' are drenched with tropical disco that some have even said to be like Japanese synth pop ('Citlacoatl').  I get that plus it reminds me of the synth heavy space grooves of Bear Funk / Nang Records with a strong updated 70s vibe: I bet they'd love a Todd Terje, Max Essa or Art Of Tones remix (more on Art Of Tones, see HERE).

Luckily, these tracks don't need a remix as they are perfect just as they are; its not chill, it's not Bal(h)am (SW17) but this could be the start of a journey with Chilam Balam, Gateway to the South (Misquoting, "Balham, Gateway to the South" - Ed. ask your grand parents).


Artist: Chilam Balam 
Title: Ritmos Profeticos Vol.1 
Release date: 22nd November, 2024
Label: Partyfine
Cat. No: -
Format: Digital / Bandcamp

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

As climate change brings Seasonal storms to our shores,  F*CLR release 'Into The Wild' by Andrew Sant and Pauline "Let This Be A Prayer" Taylor.

We know Mr Sant can spot a  collaboration in the making as recent outings include 'Love Honor Respect; ft. Kameelah Waheed (see review HERE) and the Bon Voyage x Andrew Sant 'High Power 2023 Rework EP' (see review HERE).  As we approach the party season, he excels with this one as Ms. Taylor adds something of the spiritual as they venture 'Into The Wind' of house.

There's an instrumental to go with it but it's the vocal version that pulls you in, reminding me a little of Cynda's 'The Power' (Ashley Beedle House For Real Vocal Mix) so perhaps those North Street West tricksters will have an extended remix for us.

Talking of Mr Beedle, if you were lucky enough to tune into 1BTN's Ashley Beedle Day featuring Mrs Ramrock aka Jo Wallace or want to 'Listen Again' [links HERE], don't forget the Go Fund Me page LINK for this legend of so many scenes.

PS. TONIGHT: Ministry Of Sound, London.....'Dance For Ashley' has eclipsed Ashley's (and everyone's) wildest expectations - to say that the dance community has rallied round to support Ashley is an understatement. There will be tickets on the door at £25

Artist:Andrew Sant ft. Pauline Taylor
Title: Into The Wild
Release date: 29th November, 2024
Label: F*CLR Music
Cat. No: FCLR036
Format: Bandcamp / Digital

With a cover that looks very William Morris (that's the English textile designer, poet, artist, writer and socialist associated with the Arts and Craft movement at the end of the 19th Century) [and not the plumber], Inkswel and Andre Espeut combine artistically and soulfully on the album 'Synchronicities'.

We know from the singles, 'Dangerous Times' (see review HERE) and 'Downtown Love' (see review HERE) that soulfull hip-hop beats are what these guys excel at and with their super guests Abstract Rude (Project Blowed), flautist Han Litz ('Callin' 4 U') (Ed. is there some flute revival going on in late 2024? Where's the Flutestrumental mix?), Leonard Charles (multi-instrumentalist/producer) and between them, 'Synchronicities' is an album of eight tracks that fuses modern soul (sometimes R&B), hip-hop, broken beats, some jazz, house and more.

We first came across Inkswel at the time of fellow antipodean invasion to Europe of Fat Freddie's Drop, The Black Seeds, Joe Dukie et al and twenty years on, the synchronicisation with London based Andre Espuet (pronounced 'Esporr') gives this project a fusion that's like a Fat Freddie's Drop as the song writing is very heartfelt and crosses the pop boundary like 'Yesterday's Gone', 'Uprinsing' and the most FFD, 'Street Soul' and 'Play With Fire'.

I don't know what coincidential occurance happened to create 'Push N Pull (Synchronicites)' but I think the this is the peak of the meeting of the musical minds; shame about the 'sharp' ending.

Obviously comparisons with Inkswel's past collaborations with Colonel Red (see 'Holders Of The Sun' review HERE) or further back to his more hip-hop rooted 'Super Foods' release (see review HERE) that included some of the big name acts that are still get us excited now like DJ Nature, Linkwood and Tom Noble (who has just released his long awaited album, 'House Of Spirits' - see review HERE).

I wonder at the timing of the release as it seems more summer sound but at least it will keep us going through the winter months.

PS. Props to PECUE for the artwork and recommend a vist to the William Morris Museum, Forest Road, Walthamstow, London E17.

Artist: Inkswel & Andre Espeut

Title: Synchronicities

Release date: 29th November, 2024

Label : Compost Records

Catalog Number : CPT6044

Format:  Digital / Bandcamp  

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : ,

You'll remember that I was somewhat taken a-back by the supercool Bradley Zero  professing his love of Simon & Garfunkel recently?  So it's perhaps even more surprising that the duo of Yoav & Jabulile Majola have captured the purity of Paul and Simon on their album, 'Unyazi'.

The introduction of Yoav and Jabulile Majola on the three track EP, 'Stranger','Nyoni Yami' and 'Running' (see review HERE) touched the folky-pop duo to world, especially on 'Nyoni Yami' that's sung in Zulu is particular is very touching.  And on the album, this is not the only moment that reaches such heights, 'Egomania', 'ujobe' and the title tracks are all touching - the title track has that pop-choir boy touch at is such a joy at this time of year; a particularly alt.'Stay Another Day'? (Ed. that's the second time this week you've be linked with E17's great and good - also see HERE).

And then, what with 40 year 'Do They Know It's Xmas' anniversary release this week and the 
Ed Sheeran debate, in the Paul Simon 'Diamonds' debate evelope, perhaps Yoav & Jabulile Majola is a musical legacy that we can all be proud of and embrace.

We are told, "Unyazi" serves as a testament to resilience, offering listeners a glimpse into the cathartic power of music to heal"; this is true on many of the tracks but especially 'Nomad' and 'Honest Face'.

The album, 'Unyazi' should have a worldwide audience and appeal - in fact, I'd go as so far as to say it deserves to be heard

Artist: Yoav & Jabulile Majola

Title: Unyazi

Release date: 25th November, 2024

Label : 

Catalog Number : 

Format:  Digital / Bandcamp  

Monday, 25 November 2024

Having had their 79th release this year, The Disco Express label are in a more than a good position to have a 'Best Of 2024' compilation that features the best in house 'n' disco.

And when you say "best", getting seven tracks on a 12" is an exciting prospect when first off the Rank we've got Sam Karlson & Magnolia's 'Everybody Move' (that features Ron Carroll) that you'll want on vinyl just for this track alone as it will move everybody.  

Dancefloor favourites Art Of Tones' 'The Magic Count' (Yeeeeah!!!!!) and Maryag's 'Poison For Us' (Moodena Remix) are just as hot to finish off side A. 

Put you're hands in the air for big string stabs, heavy piano and percussion plus Kria McKenzie's vocals on Doche's 'This Feeling' (as remixed by Birdee, think i'll be running this with Ayce's remix of LCGC's 'Rather Be' featuring Ms. Bowen (see review HERE) for a couple of big tunes.

The Luksek track, 'Break For Dancers' at top speed 80s electro seems a little out of place until you turn it up really loud. 

The compilaton ends with more Italo-piano influence with Cocktail Cool's 'What The Funk' (the Baka G remix) that's quite busy (to say the least) so that you'll have a chance to catch your breath (and a smootch), Rayowa's 'In The Sunshine' has a great soul heritage to like the a Sunday soul spot. 

If you love a soul train, you'll love this Disco Express and you might even want to do a quick reverse into the sidings for last years' 'Disco Jazzin' by Geeroco.  

Big tunes for their 80th release and just in time for Xmas (Express)!

Artist: Various Artists 
Title:  Best Of 2024
Release date: 29th November, 2024
Label : The Disco Express
Catalog Number : XPRESS80
Format:  Purple 12" Vinyl LINK / Digital / Bandcamp