So the artwork looks like it's out of The Simpsons, and the story of TTeo's next album has a hint of a storyline that could have been in The Simspons if their was a father and son collab based on a found cassette form the 70s of his father's disco-funk band's live gigs in Scandinavia!
It does sound quite far fetched and in all honesty, not very promising but it's incredible if you've the creative talents of TTeo (known to his dad as Matteo Capreoli).
The album is called 'Lovepress77' and the single, '42H' is a bit in the style of a mix of something like, Felix Laband's The Soft White Hand (see review HERE) and Bright & Findlay's 'NY Disco (Smile)' (see review HERE) in a dream of love song.
Definitely got potential to catch on with radio plays (like 'Follow Me' on the Colour & Pitch August mix - see below, first track Sumsuch plays) and enlightened back room discos.
Title: TTeo
Title: 42H
Release date: 24th August, 2023
Label : Sonar Kolletiv
Catalog Number : SK473D Digital / Bandcamp