Showing posts with label Apollo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apollo. Show all posts

Friday, 6 December 2013

Posted by Will Sumsuch | File under : , , , , , , , ,
Apollo is one of those labels which sticks to its aesthetic and artistic guns. While other imprints are frantically trying to switch their sound in a futile attempt to reflect whatever the cool kids are salivating over this week, Apollo is still floating serenely around in space without a care in the World...

In my book, this consistency of sound and vision, coupled with a seemingly constant supply of supremely talented artists who hardly anyone has heard of (yet), makes them one of the most important electronic labels around right now.

Their new release by San Francisco's Santiago Lopez is typically spacey, cinematic and evocative.

If you like moody music which gives you room to imagine and think- grab a hold of this one.

As the press release puts it: "Apollo is pleased to announce Santiago Lopez's three-track "Red Sunset" EP. Contemplative in nature, the triptych of tracks comprising "Red Sunset" are deep house gems that sparkle in their glowing surroundings."

The EP is out on December 12th exclusively on Beatport.