Showing posts with label Asona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asona. Show all posts

Monday, 3 March 2025

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

After releasing 15 albums from the Asona catologe, BBE have decided to release a compilation of the 'Best Of', 'Classic 90's Burger Highlife From Ghana'.

A mere 14 tracks as there's no Paa Jude from the recently released 'Seaman Jolly' (see review HERE - and obviously slated for Vol. 2 of Best Of), it's not an easy job to compile this one.

The story of Asona,  founded in the mid-80s in Peckham, South East London and the 'finding' of the lost tapes in the garden shed has been detailed in reviews of previous releases on YATM. 

Indeed, many of your favourites are featured on the album that's crammed with the sunshine sounds of 'Burger' like Thomas Frempong, Eric Aguemand and his Kokoroko Band, Sam Yeboah, A.K. Yeboah & K.K's No. 2 Band (with the best of the best, 'Make Me Know My Position'), Kantata and more.

This is the ideal pick me up for seasonal affective disorder (SAD) sufferers craving sounds of West African dancefloor footwork.  And as a 'Best Of', it's definitely a 100% accurate title and perfect in so many way for 2025; and this is my position!

Artist: Various Artists
Title: The Best of Asona Records
Release date: 7th March, 2025
Label : BBE Music
Catalog Number : BBE791
Format:  LP / Digital / Bandcamp 

Thursday, 9 January 2025

All aboard 'Seaman Jolly' the album by Paa Jude that sounds more like a title of episode of this much chuckled at 'Captain Pugwash'. 

It may only be four tracks, along with the title track, 'Mente Gyae', 'Odo Refre Wo' and 'Ofie Nipa', BBE have gone back to the treasure trove of Asona Records for the best of Ghana's Burger Highlife. 
You'll recall Burger revival of Kantata, A.K. Yeboah, Sam Yeboah's Hi-Life Sensation and Eric Agyemand & his Kokroko Band and Paa Jude is another influencial player that we'd have never have heard of if it hadn't been for DJ Jerry Frempong's wife sorting out the garden shed where Jerry's dad had left his Asona records master tapes.  After bringing in BBE's Pete Adarkwah, it was time to re-issue this history.

A for a minimal 101 on Burger, back in the 60s, the sounds of US soul, funk and pop (with associated electric instruments and production started to influence traditional Ghanan Highlife bands.  By the time Anthony Frempong was recording 'Seaman Jolly' in South London, there were other influences in the air like a dancehall dub of 'Mente Gyae' that seems short even at 10 minutes long.

'Odo Refre Wo' sounds like it's been influenced by hit by Lionel Richie at his 80s peak but it's more to do with the feel of the track than the sound whilst the percussion of Papa Cudjoe keeps it bouncing along like we're riding a pony; another one at 9 minutes that ends as if they were ready for some King Tubby 12" extended dubs. 

The title track sounds very traditional at a high paced with beautiful batimcking vocals and a tweaked keyboard solo; no English lyrics so I couldn't tell you if this is a fond quayside farewell but to say it's 'Jolly' would be an understatement.

By the time of 'Ofie Nipa', they have nailed the 'Seaman Jolly' reggae-higlife sound and it's joyous

Of course this type of muscial cross-fertilization is nothing new when it come to "royalty", such as the visits of James Brown and Sun Ra to Africa whilst Fela Kuti was big mates with Ginger Baker (Cream) and Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull).   And whilst, Paa Jude's 'Seaman Jolly' may not rank with such big names, this is a BIG album and you're not going to find an original copy so many thanks to the Frempongs and BBE for making this re-issue happen.

Artist: Paa Jude
Title: Seaman Jolly 
Release date: 10th January, 2025
Label : BBE Music
Catalog Number : BBE763
Format:  LP / Digital / Bandcamp 

Monday, 13 November 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Don't be put off by the artwork which looks like some African version of a 80s New Forest National Park callender [Ed. that's mean].

Antony ‘King’ Yeboah started out in the 1950s playing Highlife.  By the time of the 80s and the ever present upheaval in the area and the introduction of the nu-Burger digital sounds, how can you stand out from the crowd?

What about writing songs in Pidgin to attract a much wider listenership?  Good idea as this would then cross from Ghana into Nigeria and other parts of West Africa.  A few decades on, pretty meaningless over here but what you can hear is Yeboah's pan-African guitar style (twangy to you and me) that could equally have been on Malcolm McLaren's South African "disovery".

Like that 'township' sound, it's fast, energenic and sing-a-long, 'Nde Yen Da', 'Moma Yen Hwe Yie' and 'People Talk Of You' all gets you going. 

Meanwhile, back in the synth shot disco, 'Make Me Know My Position' would make Anita Ward ring her bell - big summer hit takes been released in November!  No problem as this is the fun track of the year; ha! har! as the King would say. 

A mere four tracks but the legacy is clear as to why "King" is still an inspiration to this date in the area.

Artist: A.K Yeboah

Title:  Nde Yen Da

Release date: 10th November, 2023

Label : BBE Music

Catalog Number : Digital / Bandcamp 

Singer/songwriter Charles Kwadwo Kwarteng aka Mr Cee is off to a party and we're all invited.

'Nye Wonko', unlikely to be New Year's Eve Wonko - but if there is such a thing and they're playing Mr. Cee's album, make sure you can go.

The story goes that there was a low-budget digital version of this album which was clearly in need of a Highlife big band upgrade and thanks to the recording at Ghana Films Studios / Asona records, this is it.  Now even more enhanced with the BBE re-issue it sounds super funky and super dancey.

As ever, Mr Cee tells a storey with these songs, even thought I've no idea what he's saying, whatever trouble he's found - like 'Bribiara Wone Mmre' and 'Nanna', those horns (especially, Sammy lartey on tenor sax) and jangley guitars are going to see him get to a brighter place (and dancehall). 

'Joyce' is the almost obligatory track on the album that we can tag as "reggae" and it's definitely one of the better ones on this Asona re-issue series that you might be thinking is getting a bit overwhelming; and perhaps it is at BBE HQ as oddly, this seems to be a digital release at the moment but I hope there's going to be a vinyl version coming soon.

Just as good as the Thomas Frempong album, 'Anansi Shuttle' (see review HERE) and they saved the best 'til last, 'Yeda Mo Ase' - perfect highlife party.

Artist: Mr Cee

Title:  Nye Wonko

Release date: 10th November, 2023

Label : BBE Music

Catalog Number : Digital / Bandcamp 

Sunday, 12 November 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , , ,

More from the star of the Asona re-issues, Thomas Frempong is back with a 'new' album, 'Aye Yi' - and he's not from Yorkshire!

Mr Frempong looks great on the cover of this album, as part of BBE's Asona re-issue series and already a challenge to his other album as the 'Best in Series', 'Anansi Shuttle' (see reveiw HERE

The title track stands out not only for it's near eleven minutes but for a dubby trumpet section that shines on the Ghanian Highlife backing.

Orignally released/recorded in 1985, unlike some of these re-issues, the 'Dutch' influence,.doesn't deminish the highlift groove, particuarly on 'Mada Meho So' and 'Okwan Bi' (featuring that trumpet again) that swing so beautifully.

Frempong's a big star on the label and one can only hope that somewhere at the back of the shed are some unreleased tapes from a forgotten Agyemang / Frempong recording session; we can only dream.

Artist: Thomas Frempong 

Title:  Aye Yi

Release date: 10th November, 2023

Label : BBE Music

Catalog Number : BBE747 LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp 

Friday, 10 November 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , ,

In the continuing 'Don't judge a LP by its cover' series,  Eric Agyemang And His Kokroko Band's 'Nananom' is this week's straight to No. 1 in the charts!

Not sure what is going on in the cover, a Carl Lewis track suit for Olympic trials at the national stadium; dunno.  But what we do know is that if you want a party with the hottest Burger party, you need Eric Agyemang And His Kokroko Band 

'Gyae Su' opens up the dance lesson with twangy guitars and swinging horns plus some 'modern' (for the time) synths - that go crazy on 'Mentumi Nko Fie'.  

It's because this was recorded in Eric's 80s period following his sucess in a 60s pop-band and his 70s Highlife period.  The Kokroko band ups the ante to a more soulful sound for the dancefloor night club scene and 'Efa Nipa Ho' is a great example of why this band would be in demand.

It's incredible to think that this album came about due to a chance meeting between Asona's Anthony Frempong and Agyemang in North London and if you're still not a fan of this new series on BBE, check out the 3 tracks on the whole of side 2 that's "a sikyi -style Burger highlife medley" with some Herb style horn; phew, you'll need ya quick step dancing shoes for this one!

This is my favourite of the series so far and it's going to be a hard one to beat in terms of packing so much fun and life into the grooves - a big "Kokroko" thank you to all at BBE for this one.

Artist: Eric Agyemang And His Kokroko Band 

Title:  Nananom  

Release date: 10th November, 2023

Label : BBE Music

Catalog Number : BBE744 LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp 
Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , , ,

So who's going to know what was the first 'Burger' hit was - and we're not talking McD, BK or German roots!

No! This debate relates to George Darko's 'Akoo Te Broto' vs. Lee Dodou who was the vocal and guitar on the 'Akoo Te Broto' back in 1983.  A mere 40 years on, I think we'll leave the Ghanaian Hi-life experts to it. But what is upper most is the Kantata's 'It's High Time Now' (great title and no metion of burgers) is that from 1986 feature Mr. Duodu on lead (vocals and acoustic guitar) is Steve 'Chief' Kwame (Highlife Time, Asiko) on bass and vocals,Ekow 'Savage' Browne on drums (Pat Thomas & Marijata); Oghene Kologbo on guitar (Fela Kuti, Afrika 70) and well known Fouad Amooo feauring on vocals, drums and percussion.

From the look of the album cover the band are having a great time in this 1986 version of Hi-Life.  And you get it straight from the start of 'Odo Beba (Ateaa)' with bouncey bass and synth, it's 80s but not overtly cheese; although there's a touch of pop-soul on 'Heartbreaker', boot-zippin' on 'Monsom' and reggae-euro-pop, 'Feeling So Nice'.

There's been quite a few of these Asona re-issues now on BBE as the 'Peckham' diaspora gives back the sound of the homeland.  And 'It's High Time Now' is a great place to start you're investigation into the party - especially the disco-funk-rap 'It's High Time' and the saxy, 'Saturday Night'.

Artist: Kantata 

Title:  It's High Time Now 

Release date: 10th November, 2023

Label : BBE Music

Catalog Number : BBE743 LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp 

Monday, 30 October 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

With a cover that's 'Afikaman' dressed as a "James Bond" just off to the Monte Carlo Casino, will this new re-issue produce any big bank breaking winnings?

We'll the title track sure is as it's a full band of big horns backing Nana's vocals and featuring Abdul Tee-Jay on Lead and Rhythm guitar.

It's a shame that these tracks are not longer [Ed. just play 'em again] and particularly, 'Asamando' and 'Adasama' with the groovy organ.

There's two versions of 'Ohia', original and jungle mix, but don't expect any 'junglist movement' here as it the album was originally released in 1988.

Producd by Anthony R. Frempong (for more of which, check out Sam Yeboah's 'Meba Fie - I'll Be Back Home, see review HERE), there's a real sound of 'Nostalgie Ya Mboka' joy to these six tracks.   And like on Sam's album, there's a super cool Afro-reggae track, 'Asobrachie' - perhaps BBE could sort out Asona 'Reggae' compilation album with Wrongtom doing a dub version?

An original of this album was marked up for collectors as "CLEAN LABELS!!!... SUPER RARE SO DON'T SLEEP!!!" and even now I'd recommend you not to don't hang about as these re-issues will no doubt it'll be collectors items too!

Artist: Nana Budjei
Title: Afrikaman 
Release date: 27th October, 2023
Label : BBE Music
Catalog Number : BBE749 LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp 

Friday, 27 October 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , , ,

Thomas Frempong was already a star of the Ghanaian Hi-Life/Dance Band scene  when he recorded Anansi 'Shuttle' in 'new' style of Electric Hi-Life but was he first on the bus? 

Well, if he wasn't first, he clearly on board with the 'new' sounds of the 70s when the likes of Tina Turner, Wilson Pickett and Carlos Santana were invited to Acca for a concert with local musicans.  

By the time this album was released in the mid 80s on Anthony Roberts-Frempong's London label Asona, (any releation?), the influence absorsian had the more electric elements of the european studios and on here, a strong dub presence that LSP/Peech Boys NYC would be proud of; there's 'Okesi' original version and an 'Okesi (Real Dutch Mix) and the opener 'Wobre' gets a Real Dutch mix to close he album.

'Ama' is more of a fusion with some great wandering sax and even more dub with some 80s Paul 'South Africa" Simon/Shalamar going on too.  That sax comes back on 'Kweku Anansi' but these days, the sound of the Linndrum sounds as new as it did in 80s on this track and 'Ajojoo'.

The cover artwork looks a bit like a "Hallmark" card of the time but the music is the star here; recommend you listen to 'Me Nyame' again.   All tracks were recorded in Wardour Street (London, W1) of all places and we're endebted to the wife of Anthony Roberts-Frempong's son (Ed. that's a 'daughter in law' then!) who found a stack of Asona album in a bad when they were clearing out a shed at the bottom of garden!  Roberts-Frempong passed away in 2011 but his DJ son Jerry knew that BBE would know what to do with this treasure trove and this is one of the re-issue series that so far has included Sam Yeboah's 'Meba Fie - I'll Be Back Home' (see review HERE) and Nana Budjei's 'Afrikaman' (see review HERE) Jewel Ackrah's ;Electric Hi-Life' (see review HERE).

Long may these re-issues keep coming as each one is excellent in it's own right; love to know what the local reaction is in Accra club is when Pete BBE is out DJing at the moment.

Artist: Thomas Frempong 

Title:  Anansi Shuttle 

Release date: 27th October, 2023

Label : BBE Music

Catalog Number : BBE752 LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp 

Thursday, 26 October 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , , ,

Jewel Ackrah was already a star of the Hi-Life when he recorded this album, 'Electric Hi-Life' in the 'new' style of Electric Hi-Life but this guys is band wagon jumper. 

Release on Asona in London, this is another in BBE's re-issue series that have so far included Sam Yeboah's 'Meba Fie - I'll Be Back Home' (see review HERE) and Nana Budjei's 'Afrikaman' and this joins them in a celebration of Ghanain Hi-Life.

And perhaps it was recorded in Accra (the capital and largest city in Ghana) perhaps Jewel thought it was more 'electric' than his previous recordings as they had some synth keyboards in the studio (paricular 'Maame') which were particularly hard to come by at the time due to the import duties imposed by a near finanially backrupt regime being in power.

Jewel has a great voice and there's some great electric guitar here (perhaps, the effects peddels were in short supply too?), particularly on the openers 'Onipa Dasa Ni' and 'Eko Awar A Bisa' with some US. cop show theme sounding horns; "Rev" Jewel certianly had a 80s Hip-Hop/James Brown dress sense judging by the cover photo.  But is that a bit of Joe Walsh in the guitar on 'Awar So' and Kenny G on sax as they slip in a few chords of the wedding march theme? One for Saturday morning radio that one I thinks.

'Maame' is the longest of the five tracks on the album but it's a fitting climax to yet another joyful release in this series.  Even though there's no 'reggae' track on this album, it's the most electric for me and a must have to prolong this late summer / welcome Halloween season.

Artist: Jewel Ackrah 

Title:  Electric Hi-Life 

Release date: 27th October, 2023

Label : BBE Music

Catalog Number : BBE751 LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp 

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , , , ,

Footie fans will recognise the name Yeboah (especially, in Leeds) as the Ghanian international striker Tony who has his own Hi-Life Sensation!

No, this is Sam Yeboah with BBE's re-issue of his 1980s "Burger" / "Electric Higlife" (kinda the Hi-Life equivalent of reggae to dancehall).

BBE are no strangers to this kind of re-issue but this series came to light after DJ Jerry Frempong's wife found some records in the  shed, Anthony Roberts-Frempong (who passed in 2011) having run Asona Records in the mid-80s to 90s.

Kicking off with 'Maame' bearing in mind this is around the time of Paul Simon's ' Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes' Afro-pop-rock and the Ghanian dispora of Hamburg / London and further afield.  And looking at commercial success, lets have some Ghanian 'Marley' reggae with 'Mempa Aba' which is a winner.

'Daben Da' sounds out as it's sweet guitar and vocals evoke Ebo Taylor whilst 'Odo Mewu' is more urgent and pre-Afro-bruk and then 'Biribi Aye Me' sounds like "double" Burger to me.

With this album, BBE's catalogue no. has reached 750 and there's many more to come as 'Meba Fie - I'll Be Back Home' is the first in a series of re-issues of Asona recordings; if they're all as good as this, we'll have to make some room on the vinyl shelvs back home.

Artist: Sam Yeboah

Title: Meba Fie - I'll Be Back Home

Release date: 27th October, 2023

Label : BBE Music

Catalog Number : BBE750 LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp