Showing posts with label Atelier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atelier. Show all posts

Friday, 31 May 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Beware, here's some 'Lights Towards The Exit'.

Were we spoilt by the single, 'Friday' (see review HERE)?  I must admit, I did think we were for a while but the remaining tracks of Atelier's album,'Light Towards The Exit' are a beautiful mix of soft and dark; check the album cover of hard metal escalator with discarded rose which is a bit of a reflection of their soul/electronic/industrial sound.

Atelier is the South African duo Alexander Inggs and Jaś Miszewski who now live in Berlin with a collection of analog synths, drum machines and electronics.

The recent compilation on Compost Records,  'Future Sounds Of Kraut Vol. 2 Compiled by Fred und Luna' (see review HERE) is like a foundation course in 'Lights Towards The Exit' - and throw in some soulful/warped Depeche Mode and some more leftfield club culture and intriguing it is.
'Miss You' and 'Talk To Her' are more immediate whilst 'Metal Head', a sutble 'Trans Europe Express' seems far too short.  Whilst on the high(er) speed track, expect 'Honeysucker' as the next single.

Berlin based label run Lossless have got themselves unoubted talents with Atelier and then is light at the end of the tunnel.

Artist: Atelier
Title: Lights Towards The Exit 
Release date: 31st May, 2024
Label: Lossless
Cat. No: LL12 32
Format: Digital / Bandcamp

Friday, 5 April 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

When you've got fans like Dixon and Âme (Innervisions), you know your on the right track; and here's one for every 'Friday' by Atelier.

It might be a surprise to find that Atelier is a due from South Africa, Alexander Inggs and Jaś Miszewski that now hang out in Berlin with a collection of analog synths, drum machines and electronics.

This starts like it's a hidden track on 'Future Sounds Of Kraut Vol. 2 Compiled by Fred und Luna' (see review HERE) and morphs into a vocal battle with some industrial alarm impersonators and at the same time sounding 80s pop.

The duo are signed to the Berlin based label run by Mathias Schober and Thomas Herb, Lossless and we're expecting great things from Atelier.

Artist: Atelier

Title: Friday

Release date: 5th April, 2024

Label: Lossless

Cat. No: LL12 32-

Format: Digital / Bandcamp