Showing posts with label Atnarko. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atnarko. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Posted by Will Sumsuch | File under : , , , , ,
Here at YATM Towers, things have been a little quiet of late. You might assume that we've all been lazing on the beach for the last couple of months, and you would be partly right, but we've also been waiting to find the kind of incredible, exclusive new music which inspires us to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboards). We will never review substandard material just for the sake of it, so you'll forgive us for the odd gap between posts.

Thankfully, our musical drought is at an end, thanks to this incredible release from Atnarko. We received this package from the lovely folks at 8D, who supplied us with the following introduction to the folks behind the music:

"Introducing Dance:Revolt Recordings, a new label formed by a collection of scene veterans that is sure to make immediate waves on the international house music scene. Dance:Revolt is the brainchild of renowned Florida-based DJ/producer Atnarko in cahoots with Dub Creative Group, an industry-established marketing and media team as well as hosts of internationally renown house music events. The label is intended as "a celebration of music and lifestyle," working within a variety of formats, including vinyl 12" issues of Dance:Revolt's releases."

The original is an undeniably sexy chunk of low slung deep house music, which simply oozes class. Three Piece Suit's rework takes the original into darker territory, with shades of 80's electro. Rey Aguilar's remix ups the tempo, creating an insistent, groove laden dancefloor bomb. Finally Lomez's take on the track twists and turns expertly, resulting in an engaging and unique version.

We love all the mixes, there truly is something for everyone in this package. But enough from us, listen for yourself:

Atnarko - Violent Sky (Dance:Revolt Recordings) by 8DPromo

Release Date: August 27, 2012