Showing posts with label Automat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Automat. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 September 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , ,
Just in time for some late summer festival excitment as here's the 'Heat' album from Automat. 

This new album is definitely hot as it reflects some Morcheeba, Massive Attack and even a sense of EasyStreet All-stars above and beyond the Stereolab-ish single, 'Climb' featuring Barbie Williams.

This is more than a one track album as Automat are as diverse together as they are apart with their previous associations, being Achim Färber (Phillip Boa & The Voodooclub, Skip McDonald), Georg Zeitblom (wittmann/zeitblom), Max Loderbauer (Ricardo Villalobos / Sun Electric / Moritz Von Oswald Trio), Scott Montieth (Deadbeat): not only that they play as a live band too!

They may have swapped Jochen Arbeit (guitar) for Mr. Loderbauer but it's a bit of a re-union as they'd worked together on 'Selekt 01' back in 2015 so we've still got a bit of surf guitar mixed in with dub-synth on 'Emperor'.

In fact it's surprising how dubby this is until you hear guests includ Prince Alla and R Zee Jackson ('Standing', 'Youth Man') together with Gemma Ray ('Cold').  In fact, the more you hear this album, the more impressive and commericial it is like, a bit like early synth pop;  as in 'Drift', 'Statues' or even 'I Was Never Here' (is it just me but I'm still thinking synth-pop Pink Floyd dub!)

After the return of Paul St. Hilaire (with his new album, 'Tikiman Vol​.​1'), the Compost assault on electronic dub is well overdue and this is brilliant companion release with the recent Fred un Luna 'Future Sounds Of Kraut (see reveiw HERE) compilation that's very different but very connected.

Artist: Automat

Title: Heat

Release date: 15th September, 2023

Label : Compost Records

Catalog Number :  CPT 619 LP / Digital / Bandcamp   .