Showing posts with label Biodiversity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biodiversity. Show all posts

Friday, 30 August 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : ,

South London Samba's five track EP, 'Tempo!' has all the umph of MDO in a super samba school south of the river.

There used to be a local samba band that used to play pre-match at Dean Court many years ago and at local events and they were always perfect to raise the sunshine spirits at the start and end of the season.   And as this new footie season starts, here's a project that'll get your feet a-movin'.

Some folks might think that there should be more cuíca in the band (apparently, it's harder to play than it looks) but this is south bank samba that's as much African influences and Brazilian.

They has been doing the festivals and led by Adam Ouissellat, they celebrate over 10 years since they formed.

This is hard school drumming; shame we can't organise a South London Samba vs. Magic Drum Orchestra drum off!  Or can we?

Artist: South London Samba  
Title:  Tempo! 
Release date: 30th August, 2024
Label : Biodiversity
Catalog Number : -
Format: Digital / Bandcamp