As long time fans of Kraut Music, we've been shocked by the passing of former Can front man Damo Suzuki on the 9th February only to subsequently hear that Fred Und Luna (aka Rainer Buchmüller) passed away the day before.
This is such sad news as Fred/Luna/Rainer had found his groove with the release of Future Sounds Of Kraut Vol. 1 (see review HERE) last year. It was clear early on that his knowledge and expertise were fundamental to the success of that first compilation and more were due to follow including this one.
And if Vol. 1 was great, this is even better as the Kraftwerk, Can, Neu!, Harmonia, Klaus Schulze fatherhood that inspired these tracks (17 in total and 9 of them exclusive to this release) including Fred und Luna's intro, outro (that sound like they were made for an electronic cathedral) and 'Monotonikum' from 2016 that's a heady mix of 'We Are The Robots', 'Autobhan' and '(The Theme From) Shaft'.
The selections are all in the "Krautified" (thank you Compost for that one) synth-rock/pop/wave folder including another one from I-Cube (represented here with the heady 'Basso'), Sanki Otten ('Angekommen In Der Letzten Reihe') and the fantastic 'Rules' by Roman Flügel.
This double LP release is a limited (so act fast if you want the vinyl) and the album is full of new names to me like the Can fans that 'Minami Deutsch' clearly are and the Tangerine Dreamers, Gilgamesh Mata Hari Duo; but it's all great - particularly Lucas Coon's 'Krautwickel' (and you don't get to say that everyday!)
As ever, the label have excelled themselves with the artwork which is a collage made by Norika Nienstedt (Düsseldorf) and hopefully they will dig deep into the vaults of Fred und Luna back catalog (like 'Im Fünfmibutentak' - see review HERE) I think we ould repeat Compost Record's press statement:
"We are deeply saddened that we lost a very close friend, a true creative musician, artist , poet, soulmate and beloved human being with a great sense of humour. Rainer Buchmüller aka Fred und Luna died after a long carcinosis. Our thoughts and prayers in these days of mourning are with his wife and family. Rainer Buchmüller aka Fred und Luna has made several albums, first one on Frank Wiedemann’s Bigamo label, then three albums plus several Maxi - Singles and 7 inches on Compost Records and Elaste Records. Rainer had several alter egos, too. Under his Fred und Luna moniker he recently compiled the highly acclaimed “Future Sounds Of Kraut” compilation series for Compost. Rainer also wrote circa 120 poems in the vein of Ernst Jandl, Dada, Kurt Schwitters. Rainer, we love you! R.I.P."
Artist: Various Artists
Title: Future Sounds Of Kraut Vol. 2 compiled by Fred und Luna
Release date: 1st March, 2024
Label: Compost Records
Cat. No: CPT 625
Format: 2xLP / Digital / Bandcamp