Showing posts with label CTT114. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CTT114. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Here's something that's going to be on the Colour & Pitch Sessions for the rest of the year, the brilliant Finest Wear in all his musical finery.

So we know Finest Wear from a series of great deep house tracks, including 'The Night Tales EP (see review HERE) and 'Distant Memories EP (see review HERE) and his remixes but this new EP is out on the equally classy Closer To Truth label, but, truth, I had to search for what 'Obisdian' is: a hard, dark, glasslike volcanic rock formed by the rapid solidification of lava without crystallization!

Why the London based Italian Cenzo Scoglio would call the lead track, 'Black Obsidian' is hard to gather as it's only hard in its club bangin' tempo topped with some smooth synths with a Detroit alarm going on; "Hhurrra, Hhurra ... give it to me baby" you might say.

'Lost In Paradise' is a like an urgent dreamy version with a manic church organ and which is followed, by coincidence, by 'Talk To My Lord' (well, the festive season is nearly upon us) and the softer 'Ocean Sounds'; has he been hanging out at Sea Road in Boscombe by any chance?

For those that don't really get Pre-Orders, The Obsidian EP is out now and I also love the look of the labels on all Closer To Truth releases (it's a bit like a worn 'Nervous Records' without the cartoon) and if you're new to the label, I'd also recommend recent releases by Sven Wegner, Tiptoes and Nic Soule to keep you Closer To Truth.

Artist: Finest Wear 

Title: The Obsidian EP

Release date: 10th November, 2022

Label : Closer To Truth

Catalog Number : CTT114

Format: Download / Beatport / My Obsidian Chart - Top 10 Chart Traxscource