Showing posts with label David Marston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Marston. Show all posts

Friday, 1 December 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , , ,

Here's the usual story of boy meets girl meets android computer; at a party, at festive season time; that's how you get 'The Spark'!

Re-imagined artwork of Michelangelo's 'Hand Of God' slash Blade Runner (1982 original) the track gets upbeat vocals jaunt of a housey TALC (see review HERE) with a touch of UKG (Ed. it's coming back again).

Producer David Marston (as featured on Sara De Sanctis' 'Astray' with David Marston Remixes - see review HERE) with vocalist Liam Mockridge really hit it off together; errm, there's definitely more that just a spark with this collaboration.

As a radio edit, extended version and instrumental, this does make you think of fun times so before you start diggin' out 'Do you really like it", like this first to be the bright spark on the dancefloor.

Artist: David Marston & Liam Mockridge

Title: The Spark 

Release date: 1st December, 2023 

Label: Kindness Of Bearer Recordings

Catalog Number: KOB24 Digital / Bandcamp