Showing posts with label Digital Liquid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Digital Liquid. Show all posts

Thursday, 7 September 2023

The eagerly anticipated album 'Proxima Ebony' by Joseph Malik (out now on Ramrock Red) is finally here and it's everybit as good as what Craig Charles, Gilles Peterson and Blues & Soul's 10/10 review rating have been telling us it is.

It's as soulful as Mr Malik is with hip-hop notes (from Capitol A and Kameelah Waheed - taking a break from Colour & Pitch - see review HERE), acid (Digital Liquid), spiritual (Alina Bzhezhinska - see review HERE) ,Latin/folk (Chris Franck) and it's super funky too!

Eleven tracks in total and some of which we're already totally obsessed with like 'Adjust Like Dat' (which Mr. Charles loves), 'Trouble With A Capital T (as previously reviewed as a single HERE and the remix HERE) and the one about the sex worker industry 'Only Fans' - brilliant acid trip that conjures images of the Acid Queen herself, Tina Turner.

And see if you can work out which one is "Joseph's vision of 'Psycho Killer' meets CBGB's with Otti Albietz on guitar (from Suddenly WOW!) and Daniel Walls on drums....and me [Jo Wallace] on BVs".

Mr Malik has been very clever in balancing the entire album with these great musicians and it really does feel very balanced from start to finish.

I can't stress enought that it's all so good, you don't want it to stop listening to it. In fact, it's so good, we've just got to repeat Blues & Soul's 10/10 rating - it really is that good [Ed. we get the idea].

Not only that 8th September, 7:30p,m in the The Ballroom, The Voodoo Rooms is where Mr Malik's new album, 'Proxima Ebony'  is going to have a launch party (check the details HERE) along with the magnificent Jo Wallace (Ramrock in all its forms), Shuya 'Shuya San' Okino (Kyoto Jazz Massive and WeOutHere) plus Natasha Kitty Kat and no doubt members Ramrock's Scottish contingent of The Jennifer Ewan Band (see review HERE and HERE) will show up to have a great time. 

I can't imagine the buzz when he walks out on stage to 'Introduction' - it's going to be fantastic!

Artist: Joseph Malik 

Title: Proxima Ebony

Release date: 8th September, 2023

Label: Ramrock Red

Cat. No: RRRLP010

Format: Bandcamp / Digital