Showing posts with label Dina Ögon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dina Ögon. Show all posts

Friday, 2 February 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Dina Ögon are a fourpiece who certainly have their own identity and Swedish post-folk swagger.

You might have come across earlier single of 'Glitter' / 'Det läcke' with summer jingley/jangley sixties pop sensibilites... along with some splendid Swedish vocals.

Don't think of you're usual stereotypes from Sweden (a certain pop band, specialist film/magazine industry or Sven-Göran Eriksson - who we wish all our best after his recent health annoucement) but these guys are a healthy mix of Tuung (UK) the nu-Rio wave of Bala Desejo (see review HERE) with some West Coast CSN&Y influence; and that's more than enought to get excited about.

The nine tracks on 'Orin' are a 'Best Of' selection so the quality doesn't really dip as it's all brilliant but if you pushed me, 'Milton' is very Vashti Bunyan meets Indo-Fleetwood Mac (Ed. we could do with a longer mix for this one) and the almost dubby title track (Ed. where's Mad Professor?) and if there's some seagulls flying about, the Balearic soft-rock of 'Mellan de sju fjällen'.

If you're looking for this years' Altın Gün, look no further and if you've ever listened to the BBC Radio series 'The Cold Swedish Winter' that revolves around an Anglo-male living in Sweden with his Swedish wife and young son, you'll have some sort of knowledge of how complicated life in Sweden is; Dina Ögo make it sound so beautiful you'll want to go there anyway.

Artist: Dina Ögon

Title:  Orion

Release date: 2nd February, 2024

Label : Playground Music

Catalog Number : -

Format: Digital / Bandcamp