Showing posts with label Dirk Leyers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dirk Leyers. Show all posts

Thursday, 16 November 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , , , , ,

We've already had a taste of the 'new' A08 (formerly known as AFRICAINE 808) with the single 'Life' and 'Sunset' on Compost Records, but wait 'til you here the rest of the album!

As mentioned previously, (see review HERE) that since they were releasing albums/12" on the seminal New York label Golf Channel there been a sideways step more to a Afro-tech-Carrib-dancehall-dub as the two Berliners,  Dirk Leyers and DJ Nomad bring us twelve tracks on the album called 'Waiting For Zion'.

Whilst the title sounds like it it should be all roots-reggae-dub, the album that features artists from Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, Trinidad as well as Germany, is electronic,jazzy and world: just chcek out the title track to get you hooked.

'Yamahaica' and 'Sunset' are more reggae dub and at the other extreme, 'Kisumu Bound Bus (Nyatiti Mix) and  'Water' twist into electronic West African Hi-Life a little lik the Afro-percussive 'Life'.  

You get this idea that there's no over-ridding genre to put this album in.   At times it reminds me of version of David Walters' 'Soul Tropical' (see review HERE) crossed with the Best Seven Records (the old Berlin-based sub-label of Sonar Kollektiv run by DJ Daniel W. Best), and others, something I could DJ, put in mixtapes, dance to or just listen at home with. 

Another two tracks that also stand out, dancehall-esque, 'I Want More' and 'Big City Blues' that's one's big band funky Afro-rock-rap more than blues. Jazzdance you say? I say too, along with some Italo/Jap house with the incredible, 'Pomolemouse' (just when i was thinking, "how can you pick a favourite track!") along with a 808 style Miami Vice style dub with 'Nineoneone'.

It's stunning stuff and definitely the best double album of the year and just to repeat, A08 perform live either as a Soundsystem as Dirk Leyers and DJ Nomad or as a live act with live percussion: I'd book 'em now as they are going to be very busy.

Artist: A08

Title: Waiting For Zion

Release date: 17th November, 2023

Label : Compost Records

Catalog Number :  CPT 620 LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp