Showing posts with label Discovery Records. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Discovery Records. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 July 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , , ,

Anyone who knows their Big Chill history will know Global Communication's album '76:14' (30 year anniversary next year!) was a seminal starting point so it's more than appropriate as the Chilled Cider crew ventured into deepests, darkest Dorset this weekend, that we check out some 'Random Signal'; especially as there's a "Chill" sticker on the cover.

Clearly inspired by downtempo, ambient, space [couldn't spot and Number Stations - I'll save that one for the remix] it's post Eno/Tangerine Dream/Global Communicaton as the six tracks take us on a voyage of discovery from the intro to the synth-choral hip house beats of the killer title track.

One for the American's, 'Spring Break Great' (in two formats); the beatless synth swirl outro and the DâM FunK'd up version.  For proper space heads, 'For Reasons Why' warp-factors through the space winds and then, back down to earth, 'Waves In The Street' which has an air of 'waves' in both meanings.

The label says, "classic electro, techno and ambient record that will surely grow in popularity as more find it".  And if you've randomly found this review, time to find 'Random Signal'. 

So what's all this talk of "chill" you ask?  Well, ReKaB (aka James Baker - see what he did there?) is based in Bridport, Dorset (aka the home of PJ Harvey / short trip to Biggabush's studio) so it's possible the most unlikely place that you'd find a guy producing this 'out-there' electronica, or is it?

Artist: ReKaB 

Title:  Random Signal EP

Release date: 30th May, 2023 

Label: Discovery Records

Cat. No: DR0009

Format: Bandcamp / Digital