Batov Records continue to make a huge contribution to world music with their latest release, the debut album by Eje Eje (aka Itamar Kluger).
The album, 'Five Seasons' is spread over 12 tracks; two each for winter, spring, summer and autumn with another two for late summer, plus a couple of bonus tracks.
Fans of the single, 'That Rainy Dawn' / 'Coral Sex' (see review HERE) plus one of the highlights the compilation on Middle Eastern Grooves (see review HERE - all on Batov Records) will have a very good idea of what to expect.
They've seemed to have squeezed in some Desert Blues into their psych rock funk with some Turkish trad folk, Levantine dabke and Persian bandari. This might seem a bit of a stretch but from 'New Roots' to 'Mountain Disco' (featuring Yuli Shafriri) it's an real joy; current favourite is 'Black Sea Majic' with it's mixed in dub, spiritual jazz acid excesses. But 'current favourite' has possibly been one or more of all the tracks on repeated listens including 'That Rainy Dawn (Autumn)', 'Saved From The Jazz (Spring)' and 'Mountain Disco (Bonus)'.
Perhaps a bit of a stretch to translate into the tracks to the five seasons of traditional Chinese medicine but it's a special album that will raise your spirits.
As good as the line-up is for WOMAD this year, let's start the campaign for a whole Batov Records Stage for next year; wouldn't that be great!
Artist: Eje Eje
Title: Five Seasons
Release date: 28th July, 2023
Label: Batov Records
Cat. No: BTR073
Format: Vinyl / Digital / Bandcamp