Showing posts with label Flying Mojito Bros Refrito. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flying Mojito Bros Refrito. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 February 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

There's lots of great music about at the moment, but this is right up there if you're into the leftfield jazz-funk synth pop nu-disco Baleraic house of multi-talented, multi-instrumentalist James Alexander Bright.

He first came to light with an album on Athens Of The North with half of Groove Armada, Tom Findlay (not the half that wants to re-green farming up the road from me).  And the James' released his own solo album, 'Headroom' (playing all the instruments of course) on !K7 a couple of years ago.

I saw him live towards the end of last year (as part of a WARM/RE:WARM all dayer - having DJ'd myself a couple of hours before James turned up, does that count as a warm up set?) and he warned us then that there was some 'out there stuff' he was going to play.

Of course, some people's 'out there' is another person's brilliant.  And getting back to the latest release on !K7, you may have heard the original version of 'Tigers Roar with it's jazzy bass wobble with nu-soul voice of angst, possibly with the Tiger King doc fresh in his mind.

As good as that is, how can't that be bettered?  I know! Lets get his super fans, The Flying Mojito Bros. who are known for their Refritos, and get them a country rock slide guitar and take 'em out on a camel train into the Mojave Desert with some yacht rock and a touch of dub; the cover is illustration was quicly done by Ben and Jack as the sun was setting after they recorded the vocal and instrumental versions.

This is as hot as Chi-Chi's Mexican Mudslide at Hank Wangford's clinic - Gram Parson's would have approved.

P.S. Update, in truth, James did the artwork! - see @fuzzyandmagic

Artist: James Alexander Bright

Title: Tigers Roar (Flying Mojito Bros Refrito) 

Release date: 8th February, 2023

Label: !K7 Music 

Cat. No: 

Format: Bandcamp / Digital