When it comes to having a party, it'd be rude not to invite a supergroup along and bring with 'em their 'Incidental Introspection EP'.
And that's what Colour & Pitch have done for their 10 Anniversary celebrationa as this Fab 4, being Andrew Emil and Claude Young (respectively Chicago and Detroit) with Lisa Cork-Twiss and Brad Eller (aka Glass Slipper) have got together with 4 killer tracks and a remix.
'Fade Out' the 80s inspired Shalamar-eaque opener, the funkin' instrumental ' 'Unclaimed Restraint' and 'Dancefloor Paramour' (Original Mix), 'Dancefloor Paramour' (Glass Slipper Remix) [As featured on the March Colour & Pitch Sessions mix - see below] and a slo-mo-emotional 'God Only Knows'.
Indeed, God only knows how this is so good as this is bold, cheeky music that oozes passion - 'Dancefloor Paramour' indeed!
Think I prefer the Glass Slipper Remix as theres less reverb on Lisa's vocals and more boogie on the percussion; plus it's a reminder of the excellent Glass Slipper release 'Am I Alone' (see review HERE) - perhaps that was an unsutble hint that Lisa was moving away from their Texas base but it 'Dancefloor Paramour'(s) are the opposite of being alone.
It's taken a while to get these tracks released which is probably going to turn out to be a blessing as their time is now.
PS. In addition to it being Bandcamp Friday, don't miss the Andrew Emil remix of 'Tears' by Elbert Phillips (he of the A.MA remixes - see review HERE) and Andre Espeut on Yore Records.
Artist: Andrew Emil, Glass Slipper, Claude Young
Title: Incidental Introspection EP
Release date: 5th April, 2024
Label: Colour & Pitch
Cat. No: CAP093
Format: Digital / Bandcamp