Showing posts with label Kameelah Waheed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kameelah Waheed. Show all posts

Friday, 7 March 2025

"I introduced Kameelah on Ramrock Red on 5th May, 2020 with 'Holding On' then 'America The Beautiful'...and then the rest is history! That's when Honey Dijon bagged her for her album, then Kenny Dope etc etc!!"

That's Jo Wallace (Ramrock Records) exclusively tell us how she found out about the talent of Kameelah Waheed.

And to believe it's been nearly two years since we were introduced to Kameelah Waheed on what is now the Will Brock/Sumsuch classic, 'Don't Know Where I'm Going' (see review HERE) but Variant Issue Orchestra have taken her to the church with "Rev" Joseph Malik on the vocals and instrumental mixes of 'My Whole World'.

Originally on Joseph's 'Proxima Ebony' album (see review HERE) along with Kameelah's other appearance on 'Be A Lion' (that also came out as single, see review HERE), the message of human failings in 'My Whole World (Is Fallin')' with hope of rising again (in a good way).

But hang on, does this sound suspiciously like last months' 'My Whole World (Variant Issue Orchestra Mixes)'?  Yes it does and all still apply but this time.... it's even more variant as the orchestra goes 'L'Opera Noir' giving the spoken "next level Gil Scot-Heron" what's been describel as 'sombre'.  It's certainly deep as centre stage performance and, as I said last time, "Prepare to be mesmerized"; be prepared to be more mesmerized as this is like the MacBeth version where 'ld Bill has gone on a charabanc from Sratford to Dudley.

Joseph Malik's 'Proxima Ebony Variant Issue' album lauch is on Saturday 15th March at Ebinburgh's Voodoo Rooms with an amazing DJ line-up in support - check it out HERE.

Artist: Joseph Malik with Kameelah Waheed 
Title:  My Whole World (The Variant Issue Orchestra 'L'Opera Noir' Mixes)
Release date: 7th March, 2025
Label: Ramrock Red Records
Cat. No: RRR075
Format:  Digital / Bandcamp

Thursday, 27 February 2025

"I introduced Kameelah on Ramrock Red on 5th May, 2020 with 'Holding On' then 'America The Beautiful'...and then the rest is history! That's when Honey Dijon bagged her for her album, then Kenny Dope etc etc!!"

That's Jo Wallace (Ramrock Records) exclusively tell us how she found out about the talent of Kameelah Waheed.

And to believe it's been nearly two years since we were introduced to Kameelah Waheed on what is now the Will Brock/Sumsuch classic, 'Don't Know Where I'm Going' (see review HERE) but Variant Issue Orchestra have taken her to the church with "Rev" Joseph Malik on the vocals and instrumental mixes of 'My Whole World'.

Originally on Joseph's 'Proxima Ebony' album (see review HERE) along with Kameelah's other appearance on 'Be A Lion' (that also came out as single, see review HERE), the message of human failings in 'My Whole World (Is Fallin')' with hope of rising again (in a good way).

This is true next level Gil Scot-Heron jazz-funk soul and what a taster for 'Proxima Ebony Variiant Issue'!  Blimey, going next level to Fred Everythings' 'Love, Care, Kindness & Dubs' as a Vol. 2. release, if the variants are all as good as this, we're in for a right blessing. 

Prepare to be mesmerized.

Joseph Malik's 'Proxima Ebony Variant Issue' album lauch is on Saturday 15th March at Ebinburgh's Voodoo Rooms with an amazing DJ line-up in support - check it out HERE.

Artist: Joseph Malik with Kameelah Waheed 
Title:  My Whole World (Variant Issue Orchestra Mixes)
Release date: 28th February, 2025
Label: Ramrock Red Records
Cat. No: RRR074
Format:  Digital / Bandcamp

Friday, 26 January 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , , ,

Could this track possibly relate to a Lion of Lisborn? I think not as Kameelah Waheed takes the lead on 'Be A Lion', the new single by Joseph Malik on the Ramrock Red label.

"Philly's finest" appeared a few times on YATM last year, not only on Malik's "Album Of The Year", 'Proxima Ebony' (see review HERE) but also Andrew Sant's 'Love Honor Respect' (see review HERE) and on Sumsuch & Will Brock's' Don't Know Where I'm Going' (see review HERE).

This is for all "lionesses" everywhere as although the instrumental version is pretty powerful with string ladden funk, the Nasty P kutz don't distract from Kameelah's vocals (or the very nice old skool East Coast hip-hop cover graphics).

Mr. Malik might have grown up into the soulful legend he is today but there's no hidding the original Mk1 B-Boy swagger here so if you've got the album, you need this single - if you've not got the album, get both.

P.S. There's still some time before the transfer window closes but I can confirm exclusively that we're not in any negoitations to buy out our Ramrock/F*CLR contract, quite the opposite as we've re-signed in what's been described as a "win-win" situation - you might say, "Come on you Lions/Lionesess"!

Artist: Joseph Malik 

Title: Be A Lion ft Kameelah Waheed 

Release date: 26th January, 2024

Label: Ramrock Red

Cat. No: RRR056

Format: Bandcamp / Digital

Thursday, 7 September 2023

The eagerly anticipated album 'Proxima Ebony' by Joseph Malik (out now on Ramrock Red) is finally here and it's everybit as good as what Craig Charles, Gilles Peterson and Blues & Soul's 10/10 review rating have been telling us it is.

It's as soulful as Mr Malik is with hip-hop notes (from Capitol A and Kameelah Waheed - taking a break from Colour & Pitch - see review HERE), acid (Digital Liquid), spiritual (Alina Bzhezhinska - see review HERE) ,Latin/folk (Chris Franck) and it's super funky too!

Eleven tracks in total and some of which we're already totally obsessed with like 'Adjust Like Dat' (which Mr. Charles loves), 'Trouble With A Capital T (as previously reviewed as a single HERE and the remix HERE) and the one about the sex worker industry 'Only Fans' - brilliant acid trip that conjures images of the Acid Queen herself, Tina Turner.

And see if you can work out which one is "Joseph's vision of 'Psycho Killer' meets CBGB's with Otti Albietz on guitar (from Suddenly WOW!) and Daniel Walls on drums....and me [Jo Wallace] on BVs".

Mr Malik has been very clever in balancing the entire album with these great musicians and it really does feel very balanced from start to finish.

I can't stress enought that it's all so good, you don't want it to stop listening to it. In fact, it's so good, we've just got to repeat Blues & Soul's 10/10 rating - it really is that good [Ed. we get the idea].

Not only that 8th September, 7:30p,m in the The Ballroom, The Voodoo Rooms is where Mr Malik's new album, 'Proxima Ebony'  is going to have a launch party (check the details HERE) along with the magnificent Jo Wallace (Ramrock in all its forms), Shuya 'Shuya San' Okino (Kyoto Jazz Massive and WeOutHere) plus Natasha Kitty Kat and no doubt members Ramrock's Scottish contingent of The Jennifer Ewan Band (see review HERE and HERE) will show up to have a great time. 

I can't imagine the buzz when he walks out on stage to 'Introduction' - it's going to be fantastic!

Artist: Joseph Malik 

Title: Proxima Ebony

Release date: 8th September, 2023

Label: Ramrock Red

Cat. No: RRRLP010

Format: Bandcamp / Digital

Friday, 14 April 2023

If you've recently danced to Terry Farley and Wade Teo's hit, 'Why We Dance' you'll recognise the name and the voice of Kameelah Waheed as the girl from New Jersey who is now on the new release from Colour & Pitch, Sumsuch and Will Brock's 'Don't Know Where I'm Going' that comes with Gavin Boyce remixes.

It's been a while since the Sumsuch / Will Brock release 'All Along' and even longer since their collab album project, Mega Jawns' 'Ten Letters From Home' (BBE) so it's great to have them back as they connect over the pond with this tale of being lost.  Original sessions started in May of last year so it's about time we can hear Brock's soulful vocals that are so perfect for this track.

Waheed is now based in Philly (as is Brock) and also recently appeared on Honey Dijon's Defected album ‘Black Girl Magic', so she's really in demand at the moment and taken to heart the spoken word part similar to born and raised Philadelphian poet. activist, artist, Ursula Rucker.  

Ireland's Gavin Boyce (Nordic Trax) is on the buttons with a vocal mix and a dub. If you know his 'Anywhere Here' album, you'll expect some deep synth spacewalk from this guy; and that's what you get and putting the two tracks together, it's a magnificent 15 minutes!

Really think that BBE should have a look again at Mega Jawns (it's more than just a one way ticket to 'Joy') but in the meantime, I know where I'm going with Brock, Sumsuch, Waheed and Boyce, straight to the 'play again' button.

Artist: Will Brock & Sumsuch
Title: Don't Know Where I'm Going (inc. Gavin Boyce Remixes)
Don't Know Where I'm Going (feat. Kameelah Waheed)
Don't Know Where I'm Going (Gavin Boyce Mix)
Don't Know Where I'm Going (Gavin Boyce Dub Mix)
Don't Know Where I'm Going (Instrumental)
Release date: 14th April, 2023
Label Colour and Pitch
Catalog Number CAP087
Cover artwork and photography by Zoe Childerly, as part of her project ‘Beneath The Waves'. More information at: