Showing posts with label Karol XVII & MB Valence Remix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karol XVII & MB Valence Remix. Show all posts

Monday, 20 March 2023

Be Adult Music may have just had their 7th anniversay, but there's nothing junior about this new release as two tracks by Kataya & Sonixfear get a make over by Karol XVII & MB Valence.

The original tracks came out in 2017 and I can see why they would be favourites of Karol XVII & MB Valence.

'Two Scrambled Eggs' get reheated in two different versions, a 'dreamix' and a 'remix'.  The dream mix is fantastically deep Italo-Balearic as you might guess from the title.  There's a bit of vocal vocoder efx which I'm usually not keen on but this is the exception.

The 'remix' version is less dreamy (Ed. you don't say) and more main room with the synths joining the vocoder vocals in a complimentary way.

For 'Mentions' they've done another 'Dreamix', reduced the fake crowd efx so it's less 'Benny And The Jets' (which is a good thing) and added more production to give it a more rounded sound from the mindscape; but "more cowbells" I hear you chant.

I know what you're thinking:

1. Where's the remix of 'Bankoland' that came out on the original EP?  Perhaps they're saving that one for the follow-up to the label's recent '7 Anniversay' compilation (see review HERE soon)

2. What track is Sumsuch going to include on this months' Colour and Pitch Sessions? We'll find out the answer to that one very soon.

This is a great release to follow Vincenzo's double header 'Extrasolar' / 'The Witching Hour' (see review HERE) and if you need more, there's pleanty from the back catalog of Karol XVII & MB Valence 'Remixography 2002-2022' on Loco Records.

Artist: Kataya & Sonixfear 

Title: Scrambled [Mentions / Two Scrambled Eggs]
Release date: 20th March, 2023
Label; Be Adult Music
Catalog Number: BAM302