Showing posts with label Kerrier Collective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kerrier Collective. Show all posts

Friday, 31 March 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , , ,
Colour & Pitch have had some stunning releases recently and if you think you know what you're going to expect, be in for a surprise as 'Life Wants To Live' by Kerrier Collective that you can be on the edge without falling over.

Kerrier Collective are a duo (
Ben Tidy and Alfie Gidley) based in Cornwall and this instrumental featuring live horns from Polly Meyrick (it must be 'a thing' - also see George T's 'Automatic Self On Hold' featuring Joseph Malik) and it's got that post-"Kruder & Dorfmeister and Cinematic Orchestra's lovechild" trip-hop of Conic Rose that works so well.

And for the club, there's a remix from CoFlo (from the San Francisco Bay area, not Porthtowan) who mixes in a deep house tribal synth dubness to this in a flutey forest that's reminiscent of Osunlade/Yoruba.

How did they get together with Coflo? It was through their love of CoFlo's track 'Lux' (with a Kaidi Tatham remix) on Local Talk so hoping we're going to hear must more of these guys. 

Artist: Kerrier Collective
Title: Life Wants To Live EP
Release date: 31st March, 2023
Label:  Colour and Pitch
Catalog Number: CAP088
Format: Digital / Bandcamp