Showing posts with label Mode. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mode. Show all posts

Friday, 25 October 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

BBE Music's had to wait a while to get The Cromagnon Band's second album, 'Mode' on the shelves but this is going to be a surprise hit as its such a classy release - and apparently they do live gigs too!

You couldn't get further away from BBEs last release, the brilliant album from Waaju, 'Alouane' featuring Majid Bekkas (see review HERE) but then there is a trippy, psych rock, jazz funk underbelly to both so perhaps they aren't that far away!

That said, I don't think Mr. Bekkas will be joining them any time soon as the trio, Bert Page (keys, sax, clarinet), Lenny Walker (bass) and Tom Watt (drums) are more in a jazzy-OST-library groove.

It's pretty dramatic at times ('Bad Night') and I like that they can 'slip into psuedo prog-rock a la Deep Purple meets Black Sabbath at the gates of DJ Shadow's film noir soundtrack collection 'Contrary  Motion' and 'Phrygia') and there's even some Ethio-synth Kasbah flute gang wierdness to 'Crooked Usage'.

Any fans of 70s Hancock/Schifrin/Barry soundtracks and instrumental hip-hop will love this especially when it really comes together on the last 3 tracks; 'Hadley's Hope', 'Not Nothing' and the monster prog-ish 'Mandelbrot'

Their debut album clearly caught the attention of BBE and if you're after some obscure Jonny Trunk style release, save your dosh instead and get 'Mode', the not so difficult second album by The Cromagnon Band - you'll be so much better off in all sorts of ways.

Artist: The Cromagnon Band
Title: Mode
Release date: 25th October, 2024
Label : BBE Music
Catalog Number:BBE787
Format: LP, Digital / Bandcamp