Is it Detroit? Is It Berlin? No, it's Oxford! Well, it was a couple of Saturdays ago when Finest Wear and Colour & Sound had their launch party at Frevd for the new EP called. 'NIght Tales'.
This is Finest Wear's follow up to his EP of earlier this year, 'The Concrete Shuffle'. You'll find 'Night Tales' is still urban deep house but not all of it is about the shadowy recessess of a railway arch club.
The 3 tracks are very different to Finest Wear's remix of 'Sky Be Blue' (also on Colour & Pitch - see reveiw HERE) but there's definitely a connection with a weaving synth glow.
At first, you might think 'Push Me' is main room with heavy beats and misty vocals but it's really bouncy and addictive. This is going to be the way to finish off 2022 in a big way.
Similarly, 'The Buzz Dub' has the deep house keys that you love but with this 'hornet trapped in a jam jar' buzz - is it annoying? Yes, do you forgive him? Yes you do as this turns heads on the dance floor and gets everyone going.
And sitting somewhere between these two tracks is 'Ket Corner' that's got that buzz (not the same buzz as 'The Buzz Dub') and gets more atmospheric with classic tech-house post Kraftwerk infulences.
This is the London based producers sixth EP on Colour & Pitch since early 2020 so you'd be expecting more soon, time for a retrospective/remix album? You'd have to 'Push Me' for that!
Buy / stream link: Finest Wear - Night Tales EP
And here's Will Sumsuch's session for November with details of gigs in Newcastle and Manchester this weekend.
Artist: Finest Wear
Title: Night Tales EP
Release date: 25th November, 2022
Label : Colour and Pitch
Catalog Number : CAP082
Launch Party Frevd in Oxford Saturday (5th November 2022)