Showing posts with label Nimbus Sextet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nimbus Sextet. Show all posts

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , ,

Any fans of the influencial jazz label Impulse, will immediately spot the inspiration for the Nimbus Sextet's latest single, 'Impulsive'.

Impulse, the label, was at one of it's pinnacles when there was a choice in album purchases that went beyond the colour of vinyl, being 'mono' or 'stereo'.

The multi-national jazz group based in Scotland have not quite gone as far as the  'mono' or 'stereo' 7", but it'll get you excited about forthcoming 2023 gigs that starts at the home of UK Jazz, Ronnie Scott's (see below listing) 

The band have released a couple of album's on Acid Jazz, 'Dreams Fulfilled' (2020) and 'Forward Thinker' (2022), both were produced by Nuovi Fratelli (the duo of Wayne A. Dickson and Luigi Pasquini) and it's about time we had another record as the UK jazz scene continues to deliver exceptional band.

In the meantime,  don't think about it, do it on impulse!