So you think you know South African/Zimbabwean music and then the Bantu Spacehip lands and you're dancing like a King Sunny Ade meets Ladysmith Black Mambazo's lovechild.
Joshua Chiundiza is the pilot on this ship and what really tweaks this track, or should I say, plugs-in, is Sam Mabukwa - lead guitarist of Ngosimbi Crew would released a couple of albums/cassettes in Zimbabwe with Admire Kasenga (who passed away in 2004).
Only complaint, too short - Nyami Nyami Records promise an album in March so lets hope the 'flights' are a longer and watch out for the new Jit Wave to take off!
Album release: March 10th 2023 on vinyl and digital formats.
Artist: Bantu Spaceship
Title: Bantu Electro Sungura
Release date: 20th January, 2023
Label : Nyami Nyami Records
Number : NNR014 / Bandcamp