Showing posts with label PAPA154. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PAPA154. Show all posts

Friday, 31 May 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

When came too loud not be loud enough?  When you need to keep 'Too Loud' by Soledrifter (featuring Alexandra Morrision) on repeat... all day!

This is so 'UP' and bouncey you really do want to keep it on all day and it's been so worth the wait since this equally enjoyable 'The Sound Of Life' by Sebb Junior from Papa Records (see review HERE).

I'm not particular well travelled but I did spend a few hours in Halifax (that's the airport in Canada not Yorkshire although I have been there on a wet Tuesday night) and I just find it hard to imagine Soledrifter (Russian born Dmitry Meshcheryakov) pumping out such a knock-out house track (aided by fellow Canadian Alexandra Morrison's low key vocals).  This is so hypnotic, at one stage I thought she was singing "Tim Flowers" instead of "Too Loud" (Ed. what are you on?) and hoping her acid reflux gets better; now there's a thought - acid remix?

This is going to be so big; sorry BIG! Love it.

Artist: Soledrifter feat. Alexandra Morrison 

Title: Too Loud

Release date: 31st May, 2024

Label : Papa Records

Catalog Number : PAPA154 

Format : 12" / Digital / Bandcamp