Partyfine is Yuksek’s label that he set up in 2013 out of this studio in Reims and to say his release of 'Chilam Balam' with 'Ritmos Proféticos, Vol.1' is so fun and party, it's rediculous(ly good).
I first came across Yuksek in the mid 00s when he seemed to be remixing everyone as he know how to move a dancefloor. I can only imagine how excited the "French DJ" would be when Chilam Balam (being Léopold Collard and Bastien Francoulon) rocked up with the three tracks on 'Ritmos Proféticos, Vol.1' to the studio.
If you can image Space (the French group famed for the hit 'Magic Fly'), Bala Desejo and SHOLTO deciding to club together as a post-disco, library and Brazilian infused dance band.
The 3 tracks, 'Tzintzuntzan', 'Yaxuma' and 'Citlacoatl' are drenched with tropical disco that some have even said to be like Japanese synth pop ('Citlacoatl'). I get that plus it reminds me of the synth heavy space grooves of Bear Funk / Nang Records with a strong updated 70s vibe: I bet they'd love a Todd Terje, Max Essa or Art Of Tones remix (more on Art Of Tones, see HERE).
Luckily, these tracks don't need a remix as they are perfect just as they are; its not chill, it's not Bal(h)am (SW17) but this could be the start of a journey with Chilam Balam, Gateway to the South (Misquoting, "Balham, Gateway to the South" - Ed. ask your grand parents).