Showing posts with label Psyché. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psyché. Show all posts

Friday, 19 May 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : ,

Sababa 5 might have the head start on middle eastern synth psyche funk so prepare yourselves for Southern Greek/Balkan/Balearic Surf rock/instrumental hip hop.Med-shoreline version out on Four Files Records by a band called Psyché; the 'Cumbia Mahàre'/'Ophis' sound is ready for you - are you ready for it?

It might be only eight tracks but that's a enough as one over the eight when they are as mesmeric as this.

If you crossed the compilation 'Middle Eastern Grooves' (Batov Records - see review HERE) with The Incredible Bongo Band's 'Bongo Rock' (Mr Bongo - see review HERE) as there's a high Hank twang factor - could Hank be the 'father' so to speak. (Ed. how did it happen that these three albums are all released on the same day on three different labels?)

There's a film/TV series that's bound to pick up on this vibe, especially 'Angizia' that's fit for a dectective show and 'Kelebek' for the love scenes on the beach (or elsewhere) whilst the title track is more out-there afrobeat-psych funk which is pretty much a constant throughout to be honest; 'Hakate' and ;Manea' are current favourites but they're all so good.

'Psyché' is Greek for "soul" or "mind" (as cleverly depicted in the artwork with the trio) and  you'll want these guys with you to get you in a happy place.

Artist: Psyché

Title: Psyché

Release date: 19th May, 2023

Label: Four Fllies Records 

Cat. No:  FLIES59

Format:  LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp