Showing posts with label Root Records. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Root Records. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , ,

Is it any wonder that Oscar 'SHOLTO' Robertson is one of directors of "resurgenct cinematic psychedelia and library music"?  This guy will be at the awards in the future.

On the back of last years' 'The Changin Tides Of Dreams' album, as supported by Jazz Fm and BBC 6 Music, 'Letting Go Of Forever' is a massive double LP of a massive 26 tracks that is heavily Italian OST a la Piero Umiliant. Alessandro Alessandroni etc with West Coast mastery of a David Axelrod with jazz-funky leanings and where there's vocals in French (Elle Músa), Stereolab isn't far from your mind.
Amazing to think this was produced in a studio in Hackney as we've got big strings (arranged by Clementine Brown), wandering flutes (Arthur Sajas), twinkling vibes (James Larter) and Rachel Horton Kitchlew on harp, some dreamy synths with SOLTO on drums that does give us the impression of a Cinematic Orchestra session.

Whilst Lalo, Herbie and Quincy's 60/70s soundtracks have been an influence, there's that DJ Shadow sample culture and more recently, the Australian revisonists (Surprise Chef, The Pro-teens, Karate Boogaloo etc), this is a relaxed set; remembering it's time to let go of forever.

And if you can check Worldwide FM today for Gilles Peterson's Brownswood Basement featuring " live session with Sholto, featuring performances from his latest album", check it out HERE.  

P.S. here's one for future Jonny Trunk and Mike Wallace's of the world, get the vinyl now.

Artist: SHOLTO

Title: Letting Go Of Forever

Release date: 15th November, 2023

Label :  Root Records

Catalog Number :2 x LP / Digital / Bandcamp