Showing posts with label Sphere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sphere. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 May 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , , , ,

New release on BBE by a band you've never heard off; it must be new then?

Well sort of as in it was orginally from 1974 (almost making it into our new found "50 year old" set) and recorded in 1970, it is part of DJ Amir's dig into seminal Strata East's archives (more on this HERE).

And when I say "live", it is just that on seven original jazz/jazzy fusion tracks at the Detroit Institute of Arts wth John Dana (b), Jimmy Peluso (d), Keith Vreeland (electric piano), Eddie Nuccilli (tr, fh) and leader, Larry Nozero (ts,ss).

It sounds 'free' and very Miles influenced which would the thing at the time for any young self-respecting jazz head in the heart of Detroit; check out that cover photo!

And whilst some of these tracks are long/very long (there's 2 'unknown' bonus tracks, worth getting for the 12 minutes of mostly jazz-dance-speeding of  'Unknown Track 1'), hence the special remastered 2 LP format, there's no particular solo/noodles/puffery here, even with the slower tracks like 'Lonely Girl' and 'Where', there's a sense of energy/purpose. Note: excepting 'Spitfire' that's less than a minute.

Where are these guys now? Well the geeks ampngst us will want to know that Larry played the sax solo on Marvin Gaye's 'What's Going On' and that'd be enough for most of us but he did work much later with Sergio Mendez and Henri Mancini!

This series will never be able to top, the Mingus, 'Jazz In Detroit / Strat Concert Gallery / 46 Selden' release in 2018 (really, 5 years ago!) but this is definitely up there in obscure jazz finds that you wouldn't want to miss out on.

Also, if you like this, you'll also want to get the 'Live' album by Shamek Farrah & Norman Person that was released towards the end of last year (see Review HERE)

Artist: Sphere

Title: Inside Ourselves

Release date: 19th May, 2023

Label : BBE Music

Catalog Number : BBE714 LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp