Showing posts with label The Bantu Continua Uhuru Consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Bantu Continua Uhuru Consciousness. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 March 2023

As a warm-up for their forthcoming LP, 'Millions Of Us', On The Corner Records squeak out a digital single from the South African band BCUC (Bantu Continua Uhuru Consciousness).

We've featured a variety of South Africa musicians of late like Felix Laband's album on Compost Records (see review HERE), the re-issue of Small's 'Don't Leave Me In The Rain' (see review HERE) and many more from EMAMKAY 'When The Sun Rises (review HERE) and deep house like one of the tracks of the year so far, Thakzin & Ray T's 'Don’t Let Me See' on Foliage (review HERE)

But this is closer to Bantu Spaceship (review HERE) but 'The Woods' is really rural gospel meets dancehall/hip hop with some great bass, vocals and rap in English and local dialect.

Then on 'Pieces Of Ish' has their tongue firmly in their cheeks as they take the ish out of us/themselves in a space chant that could be Art Ensemble Of Chicago inspired; taking it back to the motherland so to speak.

London's On The Corner Records have released material by Emanative, Colloutor, Penya in the past and in BCUC they have found a leftfield world jazz trance cross-over similar to Siti Muharam's 'Romance Revolution' but much harder so I expect this to be out of the woods this year.

Artist: BCUC

Title: The Woods / Pieces Of Ish

Release Date : 23rd March, 2023

Catalog Number : -

Label : On The Corner Records

Format: Digital