More from the star of the Asona re-issues, Thomas Frempong is back with a 'new' album, 'Aye Yi' - and he's not from Yorkshire!
Mr Frempong looks great on the cover of this album, as part of BBE's Asona re-issue series and already a challenge to his other album as the 'Best in Series', 'Anansi Shuttle' (see reveiw HERE)
The title track stands out not only for it's near eleven minutes but for a dubby trumpet section that shines on the Ghanian Highlife backing.
Orignally released/recorded in 1985, unlike some of these re-issues, the 'Dutch' influence,.doesn't deminish the highlift groove, particuarly on 'Mada Meho So' and 'Okwan Bi' (featuring that trumpet again) that swing so beautifully.
Frempong's a big star on the label and one can only hope that somewhere at the back of the shed are some unreleased tapes from a forgotten Agyemang / Frempong recording session; we can only dream.
Artist: Thomas Frempong
Title: Aye Yi
Release date: 10th November, 2023
Label : BBE Music
Catalog Number : BBE747 LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp