Showing posts with label Tryangle Man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tryangle Man. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 May 2024

Who the blimey is Tryangle Man?

Still a man of mystery even after the release of his album 'Dream Sequence 1544' on Atjazz Record Company from 2001 that featured the quirky upbeat 'Night Jazz' hit.

Still a bit offbeat on his return with the single 'Theatre Of The Sand مسرح الرمل' that takes us to a cross between Max Cooper, Batov and Cee ElAssaad.

But that doesn't tell the whole story of the 'Discovery Of Pangea' as this 11 Day (sorry, track) journey and it's like a super-collection of parts that possibly will all drift apart?

'Midnight Jazz' is like a Duke Ellington trio's take on dance/house whilst 'Deep Mind' synths into a bit of Daft Punk and bits of lots of tracks are classical (in a good way), like many stand-out tracks, 'Everything' and 'Power'.  In contrast, there's the Kraftwerk-esque 8-Bit-Go-Go of 'Whispers Of A Dialogue' (that's 'Day 6' of the discovery expedition!) and the faster 'Desert Hills' that'll keep you hot-steppin' into the night.

So little surprise that his fans include the craftsmith likes of Laurent Garnier, DJ Koze and Josh Wink.  And there was I thinking that 'Discovery Of Pangea' was going to be this years' jazzt South Beach Recycling's ' Obsessive Compulsive Disco' (see review HERE) but it's deeper (no pun etc..) than that, get ready for the nu-Pythagoreanism spaceship dancefloor from Beirut!

The album launch on 18th May is at Notting Hill Arts Club where he'll be joined by Ben Hadwen on sax/flutes (Emanative's old mate) ad Miguele on vocals; and supported by Paoli & Simba and Paraiba for a full night of jazzy afro-house pleasure - check out the full details on Resident Advisor HERE.

Artist: Tryangle Man 

Title:  Discovery Of Pangea 

Release date: 18th May, 2024

Label : Tryangle Man Records

Catalog Number : TMR009AD

Format: Digital / Bandcamp 

Friday, 24 March 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , ,

Atjazz is never far away from the studio or the DJ decks as he continues to find quality electronic music to move our heads and feet.

The latest album on his label is called 'Voayages' by Tryangle Man. And whilst he lead track, 'Rising Dew' sounds slightly early morning pan drum choral/Baleraic beach  party theres two tracks, 'Port Of Sorrow' and 'Lost Chronicles' that were inspired by the tragic explosion in the grain store in the centre of Beirut that caused such suffering and loss of life (and could have been avoided).

And whilst the rest of it came out of lockdown, it's generally upbeat.

There's quite a lot of piano going on here and there was a time that the mere mention of Robert 'Children' Miles would be derided; thankfully, that has now passed and he's more acknowledged as a founder of such dream themes.

'Sous le Soleil d Été' (featuring an un-named vocalist) sounds rather main room with a hint of 'O Superman' and 'Mir Amin' is even more so plus some Kraftwerk synth "Express". The stand out tracks for me are heavily orchestrated 'Lost Chronicles' and 'The Path' with the massive church organ; or is that Cathedral sized!

If you want to put this in holes, I suppose electronic, deep house to tech house PLUS; 'Mir Amin' is beautifully done and there will be loads of festival hands/arms in the air to this.

Following on from Si Tew's 'Quietude' (see review HERE) and South Beach Recycling (see reveiw HERE), 2023 is turning out to be a very big for the label and this artists. 

Artist: Tryangle Man

Title: Voyages 

Release date: 24th March, 2023

Label : Atjazz Record Company

Catalog Number : ARC2????AD Digital / Bandcamp