Showing posts with label Vento De Beirada EP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vento De Beirada EP. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , ,

Dora Morelenbaum doesn't sound like a tradition Brasilian name, but trust me, everyone who hears her says she's the new Joyce; and we agree.

So we first encountered Dora on the compilation 'Hidden Waters: Strange and Sublime Sounds of Rio de Janeiro' (see review HERE) and as one of Bala Desejo (yes, they of the best new Latin/Brazilian album in years, 'Sim, Sim, Sim' - see reveiw HERE).

So it's fantastic, and not very surprising, that her solo works are as about as opposite to  Ana Frango Elétrico (aka 'Ana Electric Chicken') as you can get (see review HERE of her 'Electric Fish EP').

Indeed, the mood is somewhat somber, reflective, sereen but with the voice of an angel (perhaps that should be redeemer?) on 'Avermelhar' and 'Dó a Dó' with the addition of big Hollywood strings (apparently arranged by her Dad); got a touch of Carlos Niño going on about this.

'Japão' falls between these two tracks and it the one destined to get radio airplay as it is influenced by her parents' association with Ryuichi Sakamoto (who sadly passed away earlier this year) in a Brasil meets Japan style whilst the clarinet on 'Vento De Beirada' takes the track to the next level of lovely.

This four track version of the EP is available on 12" and I think they won't hanging around for long and you don't want to end up red faced do you? 

Artist: Dora Morelenbaum

Title: Vento De Beirada EP 

Release date: 29th September, 2023

Label : Mr Bongo

Catalog Number : MRB12058

Format :  Digital / Bandcamp