Showing posts with label We Jazz Records. Show all posts
Showing posts with label We Jazz Records. Show all posts

Friday, 6 December 2024

With the spirit of a Led Zep album via the echoes of Colosseum, did someone say jazz-rock is back, even with a hint of prog-concept!   

Here's a bit more history, when Sweden and Norway had an agreement with a common monarch (1814 - 1905), it was known as Unionen so there's no better name for the collaboration of Ståle Størlokken  (Supersilent), Per "Texas" JohanssonPetter Eldh (Koma Saxo, Peter Evans, ENEMY and many more) and Gard Nilssen (Supersonic Orchestra) as this hints of a supergroup.

That said, the eight orginal compositions do vary from the rockin' '6983' (a golden era perhaps, 1969-83?) to 'Ståhlbad', 'Tomikron' and the title track with varying degrees  atmospheric sax, piano, bass and percussion that you'd expect from a We Jazz 'Supergroup'.

It's been a fantastic year for We Jazz and Unionen end it with a 'composite' of sorts as this album could be said to have tied many of thier (be the band or even the label?) disparate parts all together.

This album has already reached the appreciative ears of Tom Ravenscroft, Deb Grant and Guy Garvey (all on BBC 6 Music) but it's so much more than a one track album.

Per "Texas" Johansson; tenor saxophone, clarinet, contrabass clarinet, cor anglais & flute 
Ståle Storløkken; grand piano, fender rhodes & synths
Petter Eldh; double bass, electric bass & mpc
Gard Nilssen; drums & percussion

27.3. Fasching, Stockholm, SE

Artist: Unionen
Title:  Unionen
Release date: 6th December, 2024
Label : We Jazz Records
Catalog Number : WJLP79
Format: LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp

Friday, 15 November 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Oaagaada's 'Music Of' album is as free as (We) Jazz (Records) by a "mysterious quartet from rural southern Finland".

Well, I don't know what's in the waters of rural southern Finland but where these guys are concern, it sould like the spirits of Coltrane, Ayler, Coleman et al. particularly Albert Ayler on 'Serriterri' with his military background.

'Seagull Shapes' sounds like Ivor Cutler is about to add his whimsicle poetry at any moment whilst the seagulls oversea from the rooftops with their muted squarks in reverence.

The opus on the album is four part 'Suite Tuli' in which all four members of the quartet 'let go' and are as free as the cloudless skies of their homeland; particularly like the restrained Part II and the 'lets make some noise' Part I, Part III sounds a bit electronic at times and Part VI, at nearly 11 minutes long, "perfectly reflects [thier] organic musical ethos" and let's you  absorb the Oaagaada performance.

And you'd never guess all this from the afro-jazz inspired opener, 'Oag -Ada Sweet' (Ed. wasn't she in Coronation St. in the 60s?) and some (jazz) distance from Berke Can Özcan and Jonah Parzen Johnson 'Folk Memory' that came out at the start of the month (see review HERE) but this is the 'Music Of' Oaagaada - who are these guys?

P.S. The band celebrates the album's release with a performance at Helsinki's We Jazz Festival on 29th November at Kahvila Sävy.

Sami Pekkola, sax & shruti box
Tuure Tammi, trumpet
Tero Kemppainen, bass
Simo Laihonen, drums & log drum

Artist: Oaagaada 
Title:  Music Of
Release date: 15th Novhember, 2024
Label : We Jazz Records
Catalog Number : WJLP62
Format: LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp

Friday, 1 November 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , , ,

We Jazz have consistantly released edge pushing jazz that's not only imaginative and original, it's also accessible - just like  Berke Can Özcan and Jonah Parzen Johnson's 'Folk Memory'.

As edgey as the label's last two album's Pauli Lyytinen's 'Lehto / Korpi' (see review HERE) and Pete Evan's 'Extra' (see review HERE) here's a seven track album that sort of falls between the two whilst gaining fans like Enrique Domenech with it's dreamy, ambient meanerings like the title track or the more minimal/OST-ish 'Portrait Of A Brick' or the more progressive, 'The Cloud'.

The album was apparently recorded across continents, this debut album was a initiated from a meeting in 2022 of Brooklyn based Jonah Parzen Johnson (baritone sax) and Berke Can Özcan (drums/percussion) at a concert in Istanbul.  So impressive the connectivity of the duo, the album sounds like more musicians are involved; even the mostly solo 'The Saint' (Johnson being a bit of a solo expert - see review HERE) and the creepy/electronics of 'The Others'.

Don't be put of by the title as there's mere glimses of 'folk' in the tracks; the most obvious being the title track whilst the rest of the album is definitely jazz; like the experimental (and my current favourite track) 'That's Not What This Is' (it's a bit gamelan, a bit sax ballad building to a climax) and 'São Paulo' (warning: this is not a Latin jazz-dance track) and it's been suggested that this is an album for fans of the disperate trio of jazzers Alabaster DePlume, Joe Lovano & Paul Motian -  I can't argue with that and I think you'll find yourself returning to 'Folk Memory' many times; like muscle memory.

Enrique Domenech "Amazing Bandcamp listening event today. Amazing album! Thank you to Berke & Jonah and congratulations for the new album"

Artist: Berke Can Özcan & Jonah Parzen Johnson
Title:  Folk Memory
Release date: 1st November, 2024
Label : We Jazz Records
Catalog Number : WJLP77
Format: LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp

Friday, 25 October 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Acclaimed trumpet player, improvisor, and composer based in New York City Peter Evans makes his We Jazz Records debut with 'Extra'.

The band formation includes Evans on trumpet, Petter Eldh (Koma Saxo / Post Koma) on bass and Jim Black on drums

The Amercican trumpeter is very well know in the world of free jazz improvisations but he's nothing less than full of surprises on 'Extra' as this "gutsy new band that gets right to work with his eight new compositions". Recorded at the Namouche Studio in Lisbon all the tracks have an ingrained feeling "where all musicians are pushing for the new together with great excitement".

And you'd expect nothing less from We Jazz, but hang on, the opener 'Freaks' has a genuine 100 mph jazzdance vibe with the bass running away with the drums and Evans on blistering form. Take a breather and rewind.  And go again with 'In See' as they're still at it with Evans sounding like Don Cherry playing Albert Ayler; love the touch of echo that's reflected in the album artwork - not sure about the oranges.

'Boom' is a start towards more experimental,'Nova' is a haunting gamelan-esque (with Evans adding sparing piano') and by the time you get to 'Movement 56' this trio is out-there Ra-synthical (stick with it, it's a grower of some apocalytical proportion).

Normal service is resumed with 'Underworld', 'Fully Born' with a jazz-BRUK drum style and Evans' flamboyance and ending with a minimal track, 'The Lighthouse'.

Evans' style has previously been compared to Miles Davis' fusion of controlled abandom and he's got that hear in buckets so no surprise that there's early support has been recieved from BBC 6 Music New Music Fix, Bandcamp Weekly, Jazz FM, New York City Jazz Record and Peter Margasak's Nowhere Street amongst others.

So if you want fireworks, it's 'Freaks', it it's freaks, its 'Movement 56' and there's loads inbetween -  another great album on We Jazz Records.

Artist: Pete Evans

Title: Extra

Release date: 25th October, 2024

Label : We Jazz Records

Catalog Number : WJLP73 

Format: LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp 

Friday, 20 September 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Many have tried the post-ambient answer to Fripp and Eno's debut album 'No Pussyfooting' and Lampen's 'Halogen' shines a light on the jazzy end of the genre.

Lampen is Kalle Kalima (electric guitar and electric bass) and Tatu Rönkkö (drums, percussion and electronics) and their locational base is between Helsinki and Berlin and the tracks feel like that at times with the Krautrock/tech history of the German capital and the jazzy 5 corners culture of Finland with the guitar at the centre.

The nine tracks have a lo-fi continuity to them but then can sway between some Methany-esque Balearics ('Soleil Du Sud 1') that can go almost jazz-rock/fusion (in a good way).  On a track like 'Geborgszug' and the title track, with their long build-ups could even be thought of as prog with the Mars Volta-esque guitar trash/caress, but don't let this put you off, this is a sophisticated album and it's as hot as a halogen lamp.

This release has a timeline to the label's last release, Pauli Lyytinen's 'Lehto / Korpi' (see review HEREand if you're lucky enough, you can see Lampen on tour with the album plus they'll in Helsinki for the We Jazz Festival in Helsinki, they will appearing together on the bill with The Necks.

Artist: Lampen  
Title:  Halogen
Release date: 20th September, 2024
Label : We Jazz Records
Catalog Number : WJLP67
Format: LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp

Friday, 30 August 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

We Jazz Records never cease to promote exceptional jazz and in the case of Pauli Lyytinen's 'Lehto / Korpi' it so happens to feature the natural environment of Finland.

There's a strong yin and yang going on here musically with 'Letho' Parts I-V and 'Korpi' Parts I-IV except the solo sax piece, 'Letho IV'.

It's said that this album is heavily influenced by 'free jazzer', Evan Parker's 'With Birds' album and there's a great 'connection' with birds (electronic or real) on 'Letho II' and 'Korpi III' but 'Letho V' is a great match of sax and ENO-esque electronics.

Other tracks have more for a choral backing reminiscent of Jan Garbarek's project improvising with the Hilliard Ensemble and then at other times, there's the controlled 'honk' of a Peter Brötzmann (al la Canadian geese).

For those into Nordic Noir, 'Korpi IV' is proper light and (dark)shade drama that the cover artwork represents.

And talking of the former Roxy Music keyboards/synth man, it's great to see/hear that it's not only ambient 'founder' ENO (with his 'EarthPercent' charity) is flying the flag, there's jazz ambient projects as far as Okinawa, Japan (as present by former BBC Radio 3 jazzman, Nic Luscombe, see introduction HERE

After a long weekend at the WeOutHere Festival, in the middle of nowhere in the very large grounds of a country house, 'Lehto / Korpi' is the back-to-natural that you now get at home.

Artist: Pauli Lyytinen 
Title:  Lehto / Korpi 
Release date: 30th August, 2024
Label : We Jazz Records
Catalog Number : WJLP59
Format: LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp

Friday, 19 July 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Assume the Superposition for even more future free jazz from We Jazz Records.

To follow Superposition's first album, 'II' finds leader Olavi Louhivuori (drums), Linda Fredriksson (alto and baritone sax), Adele Sauros (tenor sax) and Mikael Saastomoinne (bass) in a 'free' punk jazz frame of mind with the sax section mixing up angry and melodic moods; sometimes on the same track!

Somewhat different to 'Agatha 2' (Kerkko Koskinen, Linda &. UMO Helsinki Jazz Orchestra - see reveiw HERE) and Olavi was also on Linda's 'Juniper' album.

Recommend for fans of Ornette Coleman, Don Cherry (in their Scandavian period?), 'out there' ESP-Disk (get anything you see on this label) and the recently re-'discovered', Andrew Hill and a perfect follow up to Black Diamond's 'Furniture Of the Mind Rearranging' (see review HERE) 

Artist: Superposition 
Title: II
Release date: 19th July, 2024
Label : We Jazz Records
Catalog Number : WJLP72
Format: LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp

Friday, 12 July 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Get this now before they run out!

Such was the response to the album 'Durkus' (see review HERE), We Jazz Records have gone the extra mile, well 7", with two glorious tracks.

You'll see I said 'Sao Paolo' puts Teppo "Teddy Rock" Mäkynen (aka The Stance Brothers' as "super cool nu-jazz hip-hop Malib vs. Mizell Brothers of the north".

The a-side being drenched in Roy Ayers and the new track on the flip, proper Bobby Hutcherson.

What may come as a surprise is that The Stance Brothers also come in the guise of a four piece band and they'll be appearing at the Odysseus Festival and the Flow Festival in Finland this summer.

Artist: The Stance Brothers

Title: Sao Paolo / Timmy

Release date: 12th July, 2024

Label : We Jazz Records

Catalog Number : WJ0719

Format: LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp 

Friday, 5 July 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Black Diamond are not the type to be re-arranging deck chairs on their own Titanic as this new jazz album sails into port with all the passengers and crew fully on board.

As unauthodox as any jazz musicians from Chicago, Artie Black and Hunter Diamond (Ed. did you see what they did there; Black Diamond?) lead the group that can be both duo and quartet incarnations.

As a group, as in the single 'Say To Yourself', the busy group has a mix of the modern BadBadNotGood and a good old fashioned waltz; jazzdance? 

'Zeotic' develops into a two-handed jazz-waltz with Black & Diamond seeming dualing for who leads.  Also check the video below for 'Carrying The Stick'.

In addition to the "off-kilter", the first three sides of the double album being the quartet of the sax/flute/woodwinds of Black and Diamond joined by Matt Ulery (double bass) and Neil Hemphill (drums) these guys do dabble in delicate chamber music, minimalist duo meditations on side four.

This album is their debut on We Jazz Records and I expect not thier last; a must to see live if you're in and around the Chicago area this summer (see dates below).

Artist: Black Diamond 
Title: Furniture Of the Mind Rearranging 
Release date: 5th July, 2024
Label : We Jazz Records
Catalog Number : WJLP70
Format: 2xLP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp

May 30th Merriman's Playhouse, South Bend Indiana
May 31st Ginger Rabbit Columbus Ohio
June 1st Con Alma, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
June 2nd Hobnob Theater, Butler Pennsylvania
June 4th Ann Arbor Public Library, Ann Arbor Michigan
June 14th The Green Mill, Chicago Illinois
June 15th The Green Mill, Chicago
August 25th Bucktown Arts Fest, Chicago

Friday, 3 May 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Neo-classical ambient jazz in the vein of Matthew Halsall, Eno, Steve Reich and Charles Stepney as these Tropiques produce three tracks for an album, 'Tell Us'; and ironically, you don't need us to tell you how good this is.

The Tropiques being Alexander Zethson (piano, organ, synthesizer), Johan Berthling (acoustic bass) and Johan Holmegard (drums) with leader Goran Kajfeš on trumpet and synthesizer.

This is what Jazz Chronicles is all about, jazz but not jazz as a powerful source of community like 'Unity In Diversity' - you just couldn't think of a better title as it encompasses all the love of Cinematic Orchestra and Rotary Connection combined.

'Magmatique' starts very Alice Coltrane before slipping into some BadBadNotGood jazzyhip-hop as the trio of Zethson, Berthling and Holmegard is outrageously good at the 'rolling groove' the before Goran gets to blow that does indeed sound like Miles at times.

Did they save the best 'til last, 'Prije I Posle'?  If you're going for a pussyfootin' walk with Fripp & Eno into Ryuichi Sakamoto's heavenly garden, before they go all rock fusion in a chamber string section; it's a "WoW!" moment so I suppose they did, but I love it all.

It's so good that each track is over 10 minutes long as they really do explore what's possible as the synth orchestra feels like the unexpected genre busting of a nonclassical trance.

We thought the last album We Jazz released by 'legend' Olli Ahvenlahti, 'Mirror Mirror' (see review HERE) was pretty monumental, but let me tell you, 'Tell Us' is no reflection in that glory.

Artist: Goran Kajfeš Tropiques
Title: Tell Us
Release date: 3rd May, 2024
Label : We Jazz Records
Catalog Number : WJLP76
Format: LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp 

Friday, 19 April 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Back in the day and in the back end of North London, you'd have to hunt high and low for Olli Ahvenlahti's 'Grandma's Rocking Chair' as made trendy by those evil twins of jazzdance Kenny Dope & Peterson, and now look, there's a whole brand new album by Mr. Ahvenlahti so let's look into the 'Mirror Mirror'.

Finnish jazz legend, pianist-composer Olli Ahvenlahti surprised us all when there was news of a 8-track album when 'Paint It Blue' was released as a single.  But, that's not the half of it as each track seems to get better than the last; particularly watch out for 'Paint It Blue'.

We Jazz Records of late have a distinct 'experimental' edge to them, like Amirtha Kidambi's Elder Ones's 'New Monuments' that came out last month (see review HERE) but this is more reflective big band jazz cool - like the West Coast meet Jimi Tenor at Jim Rockford's gaff; that's where 'A House In Montagnola' should be anyway

And you know Olli and We Jazz wouldn't scrimp on the band.  In addition to Olli on Fender Rhodes and other keys, we've got 5 corners royalty Jukka Eskola (trumpet and fluegelhorn), Joonatan Rauto (tenor sax), Ville Herrala (electric bass) and Jaska Lukkarinen (drums and percussion).

There may not be a 'Grandma's Rocking Chair' - original released in 1976 and re-issued in 2001 - but he's lost nothing of his jazz-fusion elegance and this is a must this year; and definitely a must on the day before Record Store Day.

Artist: Olli Ahvenlahti
Title: New Monuments
Release date: 19th April, 2024
Label : We Jazz Records
Catalog Number : WJLP75
Format: LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp 

Friday, 15 March 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Listen up everyone, the Elder Ones are here to release 'New Monuments' in jazz with their leader, Amirtha Kidambi.

So we were just musing on all things NYC jazzy (see Nick Mark's new single HERE) and along comes this post Coltranes/Kahil El Zabar's Ethnic Heritage Ensemble higher consciousness in the form of Indo-Hindustani free improvation avant-garde jazz.

A mere week after the Jonah Parzen-Johnson, singularly brilliant 'You're Never Really Alone' (see review HERE) this is like a mass meeting of Sun Ra and the spiritual and natural leanings of electric zither/benju player of the month, Ustad Noor Bakhash (and you dont get to say that often!).

Amirtha ia a New York-based musiciane, educator and activist with her Elder Ones; being Matt Nelson (saxophone), Lester St. Louis (cellist), Eva Lawitts (bass) and one of the busiest drummers in jazz, Jason Nazary.  Kidambi's contribution extends beyone compositions and vocals as she also plays synths, electronics and harmonium.  It's like a kraut rock Norma Winstone vs. Henry Cow with the depth of the Joe Harriott double Quintet's Indo-Jazz Suite.

Picking up from the 2016 album, 'Holy Science' this new 4 track album is just as heavy, the opposite of R.D.Burman and but equally compelling.

They are going on a European Tour soon (see below) and are a 'must see' if you're anywhere near one of the venues. And you gotta get this album - lets get them to WOMAD.

Amirtha Kidambi's Elder Ones - EU dates

5/4 and 6/4 - Rewire, Den Haag, NL
10/4 - workshop, Den Haag, NL
11/4 - Bimhuis, Amsterdam, NL
13/4 - Jazzexzess, Berlin, DE
16/5 - Jazzclub Tonne, Dresden, DE 
17/5 - 20/5 - Moers Festival, DE
23/5 - Nona, Mechelen, BE
24/5 - KAAP, Bruges, BE
25/5 - Musik Kultur St. Johann in Tirol, AU
12/10 - Jazz Goes To Town, Hradec Kralove, CZ 

Artist: Amirtha Kidambi's Elder Ones
Title: New Monuments
Release date: 15th March, 2024
Label : We Jazz Records
Catalog Number : WJLP65
Format: LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp 

Thursday, 7 March 2024

It's not often that there's a soloist that releases an eight track album for saxophone (baritone no less) and flute, Jonah Parzen-Johnson has the breath to pull it off.

Jonah really sets his stall out on the opener 'When I Feel Like Myself' where the sounds of baritone vibrate like an inner wind (in a good way) for the mediative yoga/tai chi crew. 

Couldn't have been timed better to coincide with the reissue of Yusef Lateef's 'Eastern Sounds (always loved 'Purple Flower' and is equally at home for fans of James Newton and the 'inner flame' that is Carlos Niño - last seen on YATM on 
'Everyone's Children' (see review HERE); definitely recommend the lingering zen of 'There's So Much I Regret'.

Jonah's use of circular breathing techniques (as popularised by flute / sax virtuosos like James Galway and John Coltrane to name just two) are more than evident of both of his chosen instruments (particularly on 'Not Writing About This' and 'There's So Much To Be Afraid Of') is just mind blowing (no pun etc..) and at times the baritone sounds like a didgeridoo.

'What They Love' is closer to Albert Ayler's heritage (in a dark flight of the bumble bee on baritone sax?) but it all sounds superb andf so deep at  times it could be 3D.  Purists don't worry, the electronics are kept a minimum so the track 'Everyone Is Somewhere' is like a very raw love song whilst equally fitting in with the sounds from across the bass spectrum.

The last We Jazz Records release, Otis Sandsjö 'Y-Otis Tre' is nothing like this (see review HERE) which is one of the reasons we love this label as the standards are so high.  Well worth checking out Parzen-Johnson's 'Imagine Giving Up' (2020) and Colin Stone's re-imagined 'compilation' of We Jazz releases WJLP11-20: 'We Jazz Reworks Vol. 2

I'd love to (Not Be Writing About This) at his live dates in the US this month to coincide with the album's release - see below - how avant-garde trendy would that make we jazz be?

Live Dates

7 March - Nublu - New York NY

10 March 8 East (Workshop) - Vancouver BC

11 March - Tyrant Studios (The Infidels Jazz Presents) - Vancouver BC

12 March - The Chapel  (Wayward Music Series) - Seattle WA

15 March (Afternoon) - Oregon State University - Corvallis OR

15 March (Night) - Megalith - Portland OR

19 March - The Bop Stop - Cleveland OH

20 March - a Trinosophes - Detroit MI

21 March - Communication - Madison WI

22 March - Constellation - Chicago IL

23 March - The Jazz Gallery - Milwaukee WI

24 March - Paradigm Coffee & Music - Sheboygan WI

Artist: Jonah Parzen-Johnson 
Title: You're Never Really Alone
Release date: 8th March, 2024
Label : We Jazz Records
Catalog Number : WJLP64
Format: LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp 

Friday, 23 February 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

We Jazz Records knows a winner project when it sees one and ' Y-OTIS TRE' is definitely that, three is a magic number after all!

Saxman Otis Sandsjö follows-up 'Y-Otis' and 'Y-Otis 2' with another adventure into experimental, avant-garde abstract jazz hip-hop soaked 12 tracks with multi-instrumentalist/bassist/producer Petter Eldh (he of ENEMY, Koma Saxo, Tilo Weber and more) and synths/keyboards of Dan Nicholls (he of divr's 'Is This Water' album- see review HERE)

This is going to be one of my favourite albums of the year as don't we all love a bit of Berlin based Scandi-space jazz that follows the paths of Jimi Tenor (recently 'discovered' by soul-jazz London DJ legend Robbie Vincent!), Madlib and Thundercat/Kamasi Washington.

Not convinced?  Listen to the totally manic-cinematic-Bruk-eque 'LOOMY' and 'midi day job, pt. 4' which stacks up to any 'golden-era' Daedelus or the other single, 'CLICKS 2023' or the instant favourite, 'perla / moln'.

No surprise then that Gilles Peterson, Jazzwise, WIRE and the like are early to the party with this one and any label as varied as hosting The Stance Brothers (see review HERE) and Anni Kiviniemi Trio (see review HERE) is going to be open to the Y-Otis project; FOUR as they might say (as in sometime words have more than one meaning).

Artist: Otis Sandsjö 

Title: Y-Otis Tre

Release date: 23rd February 2024

Label : We Jazz Records

Catalog Number : WJLP63

Format: LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp 

Friday, 2 February 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

We all know that water is the source of life but is the divr album, 'Is This Water' equivalent in jazz terms?

And to push it that bit further, the Swiss trio of Phillipp Eden (piano/keys), Jonas Ruther (drums) and Raphael Walser (bass) are looking at water as an improvised liquid, gas and solid state over these 9 tracks.

We Jazz has called it an approach of "mutli-direction" that's been mixed by Dan Nicholls (of jazz collective, Y-OTIS) and it certainly touches various angular elements of free/ambient/spiritual as well as modern jazz.

Not surprising that there's touches of Japanese minimalism (they do love a water feature in a garden after all) and you get that with the Reich-eque '42' and 'Upeksha' [Sanskrit for equanimity, non-attachment, even-mindedness or letting go] and the temple percussion on 'Supreme Sweetness' but unusually to a jazz trio free vibe. 

I particularly like '42', not just because '42' is "the answer to life, the universe and everything" -but I can here some Arthur Russell influences from his avant-garde NY loft period whilst 'Tea High' is the most immediate of the tracks with it's post-classical minimalism.

And just to make this album even more interesting, there's a cover version of Radioheads' 'All I Need' (if it's not on BBE's 'Exit Music... Songs With Radio Heads', I wouldn't know it: but nothing like the how jazz trio The Bad Plus would have approached it in 2006 when that album came out - or perhaps it is?) and super ever trendy Broadcast, 'Echo's Answer'.

In trio terms, very different to recent Anni Kiviniemi Trio album 'Eir' (see review HERE) but as the well known Lao Tzu saying tells us, "Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it"  and you'll feel no resistance to the divr sound.

Artist: divr
Album: Is This Water
Release date: 2nd February, 2024
Label : We Jazz Records
Catalog Number : WJLP60 LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp 

Friday, 12 January 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , , ,

A new name to us, Anni Kiviniemi Trio's new album 'Eir' is 'new' in terms of jazz trio albums that needs to be heard. 

Anni clearly has a 'jazz' in its widest sense view of a trio album that is aided here with the talents of  bassist Eero Tikkanen and drummer Hans Hulbaekmo from Gard Nilssen's Supersonic Orchestra and Moskus (you'll recall the GNSO's 'Family' album from last year, see review HERE).
The UK based composer/pianist has certainly cramed much into these eight original tracks with neo-classical to avant garde, light and dark, quirky and smooth, Scandi-North African folk but the common theme is outstanding class; particularly my favourite track, 'Atoms'.
Already booked for the We Jazz Festival later this year, keep your eyes open for this soon to be famous name on the jazz circuit.

Artist: Anni Kiviniemi Trio 
Title: Eir
Release date: 12th January, 2024
Label : We Jazz Records
Catalog Number : WJLP58 LP / CD / Digital / Bandcamp